Win Child Custody-The 5 Types Of Child Custody
Winning your child custody battle will be a pyrhic victory if you do not understand the different types of child custody that may be awarded.
Winning your child custody battle will be a pyrrhic victory if you do not understand the different types of child custody that may be awarded.
There are essentially five types of child custody that may be awarded in your child custody battle and it is clearly important to understand what is possible and to better instruct your legal advisors.
1. Physical CustodyPhysical custody at it's simplest determines where the child will live on a day to day basis.
This does not mean that the non custodial parent might not have a share of legal custody and if the other parent is sharing legal custody then he/she will be legally entitled to share in all major decisions regarding the child's upbringing.
2. Joint CustodyJoint custody is where both parent share the amount of time spent with the child.Courts are reluctant to order joint custody as they prefer to see the child have a stable,

permanent base.
3. Legal CustodyLegal custody gives a parent the right to make the important decisions in relation to the child's upbringing, education, medical treatment and so on. Unless it is shown that a parent is uncapable of being a fit parent, perhaps through alcohol or drug abuse,then in most cases both parents will share legal custody.
4. Sole CustodyThis is where one parent has physical and legal custody of the child.
5. Joint Legal And Physical CustodyThis basically involves both parents sharing both physical and legal custody of the child.Most states will try to award this type of custody unless there are circumstances or issues which prevent them from doing so.
Clearly the permutations will require you to instruct your legal advisor properly at the outset.It is critical that you learn as much as you can to do so and give yourself the best opportunity of a successful outcome to your child custody battle.