Working with a Fiancé Visa Lawyer
The process of obtaining a fiancé visa is not as simple as it looks on a television show. A visa lawyer should be hired from the beginning of the process.
We have all seen immigrant situations portrayed on television. They seem to suggest that citizenship is as easy as getting married,

but it is not that cut and dry. A fiancé visa lawyer is a necessity if you or your prospective spouse are not a citizen.
Your immigration attorney guides you through the various steps in the immigration process of obtaining a fiancé visa stamp on your passport. The process of bringing someone into the country for the purpose of marriage involves a lot of hectic and confusing paperwork, since even a single mistake in filing can mean delay or denials. immigration lawyers play a significant role in completing your task successfully.
When you are applying for this endorsement on a passport, the standard estimation for a wait period is five to twelve months. Make one small typo or mistake on an application, and that timeframe can double. You need the expertise of a visa lawyer from the beginning of your application. There are several steps involved in obtaining the legal document that will be attached to a passport once obtained, and any mistake or suspicion will flag immigration to investigate the validity of your request.
A visa lawyer knows all the steps, all the hoops, and all the loopholes. With his help, you can stay within the standard timeframe of five to twelve months. He may be stealthy enough to even buy you a bit of extra time. He will see delays coming and avoid them. He knows how to proof your information prior to submitting it so that only perfect applications are turned in to the granting authority.
A scary statistic is that forty to sixty percent of fiancé visas are not approved. Your life is not a sitcom. Your application will not be read by a stand-up comic with a self titled sitcom as a side gig; this is a legal process that takes the knowledge, experience, and expertise of a professional who deals in this kind of law each day. The same professional knowledge is needed for any kind of immigration process, including those wishing to enter the United States for school, work, or family affairs, and having a visa lawyer from the beginning of the process is almost always more successful than going through the process alone. There are even 'secret' strategies that professionals know, having dealt with the process regularly for years that will expedite the process. You also will stand the chance of having your paperwork pushed through in front of someone who does not have representation.