Your ideas belong only to you
Can someone really patent an inspiration? You actually actually can.
Can someone really
patent an inspiration
? You actually
actually can. There are numerous
individual and organizational patent requests applied for and granted each year
. For those who havea conceptand can
prove its functionality it is possible to aquire
it patented. Each one of
us has sometime as well as
other had a conceptwe
thought would change human life. But more likelysomeone elseall over the world
could strike similar
idea. If they
do and go on to put it into mass scale output ofa physical objectthey might
make huge amounts of money
. Whenyou comprehendwhat is happeningfar too late
. There would be pointlesseven if you
did decide to
cry over spilt milk as the expression goes. Because if
the idea has not been
patented by you. Your argument would not
hold in any
law court all over the world
But patenting a conceptis simply notreally easy
. You are able to nothave
a eureka moment in your
bath tub and thengo to
your local patent office to demand a
patent for your
idea. You should
create detailed drawings and blue prints of your
idea and just howyou want
on putting it to work with
. You have to
prove the functionality of your
idea. This meanswhether it is
a gadget you will needto develop
a prototype to prove how the
idea can be used tobuild a
product using available technology.
Patenting a good ideais just not
cheap either. You would have togenerate a
considerable investment to get your
idea patented. So before you evenlook intoobtaining a
patent make sure youperform some
market research about the
profitability of the product in the event thatthis kind of
product did exist
. Also be certain that
a patent or an ideathat is similar to
your idea is just not
already patented or already available
. You would not receive a patent for a good ideathat is a
mere improvement or upgrade of a merchandise thathas already beenbeing used
If you possibly could
afford it it is possible touse a
Patent attorney who are experts about the subjectand candirect you
from beginning to endin the operation
of getting your idea patented. Have
professionals and whenyou need to
share your idea with someone to be able to
enlist help on your
make sure you
sign a confidentiality agreement with them. This will be certain that
your idea is not really
stolen before it gets patented.
Once you have
prepared yourself you may
walk on your
local patent office and make application for a
patent when you have
applied for it. Your idea would be under the “Patent Pending” status. Then all you should
do is wait for an
letter of acceptance.