Imagine you have just been asked to give a highly complex presentation to the Board of Directors. How might start the planning? Here is a simple but effective 7 step process.
Imagine you have just been asked to give a highly complex presentation to the Board of Directors. One of the biggest mistakes you can make at this point is to start thinking about what you will say. Instead focus on planning.
So how might start the planning? Here is a simple but effective 7 step process.
Step 1: Develop Objectives
Before you do anything get clear on your objectives for the presentation. Possible objectives might be:
Take the time to get clear on your objectives from the presentation.
Step 2: Assess Your Audience
Whenever you are assessing your audience, try to step into their shoes as the recipient of the presentation. Think about:
Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas
A brainstorm is quite simply a dump of ideas on what you could cover. Remember the first step is to get all possible ideas down. It is not about evaluating at this stage. Keep brainstorming until you run dry on ideas.
Step 4: Identify Common Themes
It is likely that when brainstorming, you will have come up with similar things that you can group into an overall theme. For example, if it is a financial performance presentation you might have included budgeting, forecasting, treasury and working capital that you put under a theme called financial management.
Alternatively if it is a human resources presentation you might have included recruitment, selection, retention and personal development that you capture under a theme called talent management.
Step 5: Produce An Outline Structure
On one piece of paper sketch out the theme on each slide and the two or three messages you want to get across.
Step 6: Prepare The Presentation Materials
The key things to be aware of in preparing your presentation materials are:
Step 7: Practise Practise Practise
Running through your presentation at least twice is an essential part of your planning. Don’t neglect it as it will serve you well when it comes to the real thing
Finally, remember that most of us are not that enthusiastic about presenting and thorough planning can make all the difference.Management: How To Be A Brilliant Budget Manager
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