Businesses today are bombarded with all kinds of risks that may be a potential threat to a company. Risk Analysis is an important preventative measure to keep a company on the right path. Find out what it involves.
Almost anything you do in life is going to involve some sort of risk. Whether it be playing sports, driving a car down the road, working for a company or starting your own business. When you go out and play a game of soccer, you have to analyze the risks that go along with playing. What are my chances of getting hurt? How will getting hurt affect me? Is getting hurt worth playing? These are risks that need you need to assess whether they are worth playing the game. Anything in life is ultimately going to offer some sort of risk, and in order to prevent such risks, you are going to need to do some analyzing before you decide to go through with your decision.
There is a method that many companies use before they embark on a new project or campaign that help them decide whether it is worth their time. This technique is known as SWOT analysis, which stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. These four issues are closely analyzed to give companies a strong conclusion on what their next business move is going to be. I will use the idea of a campaign to promote an athlete as an example of SWOT analysis.
The first technique is known as strength and is used to assess what strong points the campaign may have. How will promoting this athlete help our company? Do his characteristics model what our company stands for? What about this campaign makes this worth it in the long run for our company? Questions like these are analyzed very closely in order to determine the important strengths of the campaign.
Weakness will also be analyzed to see what holes are in the campaign that will keep a company from meeting their expectations. What parts of this campaign could be made better? Is there a better athlete out there that may represent our company better? Weaknesses can often be overlooked due to the fact that companies will spend more time evaluating the strengths and missing the all important weaknesses.
Followed up by the opportunities, companies look to assess what this campaign can do for the company. Is this going to bring us more customers? Is this going to enhance our reputation? Will this give us more opportunities with other athletes later down the road? Companies want to see how the campaign is going to bring them opportunities to make their company even better. You can visit to learn more about risk analysis.
Finally, threats can be one of the most demoralizing realities when running a campaign. The threats are the other companies who may be trying to do the same thing. When covering threats of a campaign, companies will look at what their competition is trying to do and how they can be one up on them. They will ask questions like who is our competition? What kind of campaigns are they trying to run? Do they have an athlete who may take the attention away from our campaign?
SWOT analysis is a great method used for risk analysis. It evaluates all aspects of risks involved and gives you a clearer sense of understanding for anything you do. The next time you do something you are unsure about, run a quick SWOT analysis and then make you decision.
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