Telemarketers Have A Job To Do
The first thing you think of when the mention of call centers comes about is that there are a bunch of losers who have to sit on the phone all day while underpaid supervisors shout out that they must "smile and dial.'' You will never see a drama or a sitcom about those people who are simply trying to make a living talking to people who have no interest in getting a call at dinner time from someone who is desperately trying to sound chirpy but is really checking the clock every 10 seconds to see how much closer it is to break time.
For a long time now,

those jobs have been sent overseas, but they are on the way back now. That's a good thing, bringing jobs back home, but for some people, that is the best opportunity available to them.
People who work in these places are either making outbound calls or taking inbound calls and neither is a pleasant situation. The outbound callers are normally calling people at random and trying to sell them something, mostly because the person being called hasn't gotten on the phone block list for telemarketers. The inbound people are usually just answering tedious questions or dealing with complaints. They also have time limits they have to meet, so the main objective of the rep is to get the caller off the phone.
Focusing on everything they are doing can be mind numbing for the phone people but it is vital that they maintain their focus and composure no matter what the person on the other end of the line is saying. Very rarely will any caller or called have anything positive to say, so a thick skin is a must for the phone people.
Any bad behavior by the phone people can reflect badly on the company so it is important that the phone people remember that, even if it is not a job they are proud of, it still pays the bills and there are plenty of others who can do the job just as well. Ion the call center business, no one is safe.
Outgoing calls can be the hardest because the callers are either offering a sales pitch for something that you probably are not interested in, or they are calling to demand money as part of a collection agency. Requests also come in for charity events and they too can be annoying at dinner time no matter what the cause.
People are also required to call people at random in order to take a phone survey. Sometimes they can be of good use, but often they will come from radio stations and other media that are trying to get a gauge on their audience. Those callers should be prepared for an angry response or even a clicking sound as the phone goes dead.
It is important that people remember that those phone people are just trying to feed their families and do not mean any harm. Yes, they are annoying, but they are just doing their job and it is up to businesses to make sure that those phone people are treated with respect.