Time management is very essential for students.
Time is an asset for everyone. It should be valued and managed efficiently. A student needs to manage time well. He should devote his time both towards his studies and towards extra – curricular activities. He should not spend cent percent time studying as we have heard of saying “ All work and no play makes Jack ill”.
A student should concentrate well on the teacher’s lectures in school. This way he would not need to spend much time studying at home always (though during examinations he do has to spend time studying). He should thoroughly revise his lessons and be regular with his assignments. For a student to efficiently manage time he should prepare a proper action plan. While at home, he should prepare a daily hourly schedule about how to manage time. A student should study during most active hours of day-be it morning, afternoon, evening or night. He should study those subjects first which he dreads of and finds really difficult to study. He should study the subjects he likes later even when he is tired. Subjects which are of prior importance should be studied first.
A student should study in an environment conducive for studying-free from distractions. Library is the best place to study in school. A student should study in a study room at home. He should not study in bedroom. He should take short breaks while he is studying long. He should not compromise his sleep and diet , else whatever he studies would not be productive .A student should take out time to relax and exercise. He should work out more. He should maintain a balance between his school life and personal life. He should remain social also( not isolated from the society). A student should utilize his spare time. He should read some knowledgeable books, novels, mind enhancing books while travelling from home to school and vice versa.