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When new executives join the team, they are full of promise. Their jobs offer new challenges. They dig up old and new problems and probe for solutions. They are fighters, workers, and dreamers. Then something happens: They slow down. They lose their sparkle. They relax, take it easy, and become straight nine-to-five people.
They keep themselves out of trouble. They avoid friction and controversy. They defend what has been done and oppose change and innovation.
Is this a typical phenomenon in your community? I don't know if it is, but I do know that it can be avoided. I do know that it is foolish to wait for the problem to go away by itself. I do know that personal and professional growth occurs only as a result of having a carefully conceived plan.
The Dartnell Corp. of Chicago, Illinois, has put together an executive development plan. It is found in the form of 12 booklets. Not only are the topics relevant, but prominent authority figures present each topic.
The first booklet, What An Executive Should Know About Success, written by Mr. J. C. Penney, himself, includes a self-rating checklist.
The next booklet in the series, What An Executive Should Know About Management, is written by Mr. Clarence B. Randall, the former chairman of Inland Steel Company. He explains how to delegate tasks and develop people.
The third booklet, What An Executive Should Know About Managing People, is written by Mr. Theodore V. Houser, the former chairman of Sears. A firm believer in the importance of proper people management, Mr. Houser presents five human relations rules.
What An Executive Should Know About Making Decisions, the fourth booklet written by Mr. Harry A. Bullis, shows how to harness the power of the subconscious mind to reach sound decisions.
In the next booklet, What An Executive Should Know About Managing Time Profitably, Mr. Ken Allen deals with the art of procrastination and presents a step-by-step program to manage your time effectively.
In his other booklet, What An Executive Should Know About the Art and Science of Self-Assessment, Mr. Allen helps you gauge your progress and details the factors to consider in your systematic self-appraisal.
Mr. Clarence Francis wrote the seventh book in the series, What An Executive Should Know About Corporate Character. It presents an examination of corporate and executive responsibility.
Mr. Herman W. Steinkraus tells how to earn employees' enthusiasm, initiative, and loyalty in his booklet, What An Executive Should Know About Human Relations.
What An Executive Should Know About Remembering Names and Faces offers common sense steps to a trained memory by world-renowned teacher, Mr. Bruno Furst.
Mr. Ken Allen returns with another booklet. In this one entitled, What An Executive Should Know About Cooperation and Teamwork, he gives you seven rules to help you build a more efficient organization.
The final booklet, What An Executive Should Know About Innovation in Management, written by Mr. William T. Brady, shows managers how to build the climate conducive to experimentation, the development of new ideas, a different approach, and unconventional solutions to conventional problems.
Dartnell in its booklet series has educated, motivated, and challenged the executive to move up the career ladder. They are excellent lessons you ought to apply. I recommend that you order the series.
Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
Living in the Age of the Internet Gangster, Part Three of Three: Sleeping with the Phishes . . .
One of the newest phishing trends to emerge has almost everybody in the security industry concerned: Trojan phishing. So-called Trojan programs, named after the horse of mythology that put the Greeks inside Troy's city walls, disguise themselves as beneficial files, but actually enable hackers to gain access to computers from remote locations to steal account information directly from a computer.Living in the Age of the Internet Gangster, Part Two of Three: An Evolution of Professional-class ..
Members of the hacker community throughout that region now are adapting to take advantage of the latest phishing scams. As a natural transition is taking place, "phishing" is the term applied to online schemes that attempt to lure people into giving up sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, by masquerading as trustworthy sources.Your Child's First Year at College: Prime Target for Identity Theft?
If your son or daughter is a recent high school graduate and college freshman, he or she is the ideal target cybercriminals are looking. "Why?" you might ask. For cybercriminals the answer is easy and highly profitable.