Your Criminal Attorney: How To Have a Successful Relationship
A successful criminal attorney needs more than education and experience. They also need the help and cooperation of their defendant. Without that help, they are like a ship at sea without a navigational tool. Do everything you can to help make your defense a success.
A successful criminal attorney needs more than education and experience. They also need the help and cooperation of their defendant. Without that help,

they are like a ship at sea without a navigational tool. It can be the biggest, most seaworthy ship in the fleet, but if the sailor has no way of knowing where to go, doom will surely follow.
As a defendant, you must regard your lawyer as an extension of yourself. This is the you that went to law school, waged wars in the courtroom, and returned a battle ready legal monster. You wouldn’t hide things from another version of yourself, and you certainly shouldn’t from your lawyer. Do everything you can to help make your defense a success.
The best thing you can do to have a successful relationship with your criminal attorney is be completely honest. There is no room for deception between a client and his lawyer. Remember that you have complete confidentiality and that nothing you say can be used against you. The only exception is in cases where you are threatening to harm yourself or someone else or are premeditating another crime. Your lawyer needs to know everything you know in order to present the best possible defense.
You must believe in your criminal attorney and follow his directions implicitly. Failure to do so could compromise your case and remove his ability to defend you in the best possible way. That doesn’t mean you can’t have disagreements with your lawyer.
Far from it. You are the one who will have to face the consequences should you be convicted. You should be a powerful advocate for yourself. At the same time, there are things you shouldn’t do and your lawyer will be certain to tell you what those things are. Doing them anyway could ruin your chances for a positive outcome.
Always remember that your criminal attorney is looking for the best possible outcome as well. His professional status is enhanced when he achieves an acquittal (or whatever the best possible outcome is for your particular case). He will work hard to achieve this, so don’t get in his way. Be humble and face the fact that you don’t have the experience and knowledge of the legal system that he brings to the table. You don’t want to represent yourself, so don’t try. Listen to your lawyer’s advice, act as a collaborator in your own defense, and be honest.