Creating a strong marketing campaign for your web site will make a world of difference in creating new leads, establishing a loyal customer base, and interacting with your clients.
The three web site marketing strategies I am talking about include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM),

and Social Media Marketing (SMM). Utilizing all three of these will greatly increase leads, sales, and build customer relations. Before we get into the three main marketing techniques, I want to give you an overview on creating a foundation for web site marketing. The answer lies in web site optimization.
Web Site OptimizationAlthough this isn't exactly the same thing as Search Engine Optimization this is definitely your first step in creating a successful web site. Optimizing your web site will help prepare your web site for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Search engine optimization would be your next step. When you take the time to analyze your pages for title tags, links, navigation, calls-to-action, and other attributes you will begin to see how effective (or ineffective) your web site actually is. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. Do I encourage my visitors to participate? Do I have a Call-To-Action?-- Using phrases such as "Click Here" or "Buy Now" can prove to be very valuable when used effectively. Your customers are looking for an excuse to "Buy" or "Download" or "Donate", so you need to provide them with this option often by strategically placing a call-to-action on your pages.
2. Can my visitors easily navigate my web site to find what they are looking for?-- You need to take some time to view your site as if you've never visited it before and see how easy you can find the information you are looking for. Another great way to do this is to get a friend or co-worker to browse the site and have them give you feedback. If customers are struggling to find the information they are looking for they will leave!
3. How effective are my links?-- Links are a good way to let your visitors know where to find the information they are looking for. Use keywords or key phrases in your links to help guide your customers. I've used this example before, but if you run a blog about gardening an example of an effective link may be "How to Grow Roses in Poor Soil" as opposed to "Growing Roses". I provide businesses a free web site consultation to help guide them in making their website more effective. Get your free consultation today!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Search engine optimization is the process of analyzing and re-writing your web pages to make them more acceptable to search engines. It is a valuable tool that will organically increase search engine rankings for your web site. There is no guarantee of being placed in the number ONE spot on Google, but it will definitely help search engines find your web site more efficiently. Some of the areas to focus on are Title Tags, Keywords, and Content.
TitlesYour title tags are one of the most effective ways to increase not only search engine rankings but your click-through rate also. Many businesses insist on having their company name as their title, but that isn't going to help your keywords. It's okay to use your business name, just put it after your key words. Using keywords in your title will let people know what you offer and what your web site is about. A good example is Payless Shoes. If you search Google for "Shoes" you will see they are actually number three, but what is in their title tag? As of writing this article it reads "Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Designer Shoes & Handbags". That is a good title tag. There are a few things that could be tweaked to make it more effective, but overall it's good.
KeywordsKeywords help search engines know what your web site is about. If you are running a gardening blog some keywords could be "gardening articles" or "gardening tips". You would not want to use words such as "trees" or "plants". While those terms might help a little, they are too broad.
ContentA good web site needs unique and valuable content. This not only helps your search engine ranking, it helps educate your visitors and allows them to find what they are looking for. Your content should contain some key phrases pertaining to your site. This shows search engines that it is relevant to each page. One of the services I provide is an extensive Search Engine Optimization campaign for small business web sites. If you are interested I would love to talk with you! E-mail me!
Search Engine MarketingI am going to focus on using Google Adwords as a search engine marketing tool. Utilizing this wonderful service is a great way to draw new leads to your web site and increase your sales. Why? Because you are using targeted advertising for specific keywords and you only pay each time a person clicks on your ad (real leads). Another benefit is that it is pretty much instant. You set up your account and write your ads, it is reviewed, then voila! You ad is circulating Google to your target demographic. Google also provides great analytical tools to show your which pages and keywords work and where your traffic is coming from. I am experienced with writing and managing Google Adwords campaigns. If you are interested in a free search engine marketing consultation, then please e-mail me!
Social Media MarketingHere you have a new way of marketing that will help you promote your products and peak interest in your business. Companies are flocking to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media site to learn more about their customers and promote their specials. Facebook provides a few tools for businesses to effectively market their business. First, you can create a page specifically for your business. This allows you to educate users on what you have to offer and give them a call-to-action. You can also pay for advertising with Facebook using very specific demographics and interests. They offer pay-per-click and pay-per-impressions. Twitter and Facebook both allows people to interact with your business, letting you know what they like and don't like. It is an amazing Relationship Marketing tool that should be used if you want to build relationships with your clients. If you are interested in getting started with your social media marketing campaign feel free to send me an e-mail!