Are you spending thousands of dollars on print marketing and just not getting the results you expected?
It may be a flaw in your design or it may be the result of a misstep in your initial planning.
More likely, though, it may simply be that your color printing efforts aren’t reaching the sort of people who are legitimately interested in what you have to offer. Instead of scrapping your current print ad campaign, first try a few of the following tips for directing your marketing efforts more effectively. That is to say, go where the money is. Preferred Customers - Who better to target than those who have already made a purchase from you? Start by building a list of customer names, addresses and possibly even e-mails. You can entice people to join your list with immediate discounts and the promise of future promotional offers. If you want to go that extra step you can even print preferred customer cards to distribute. Businesses - Sales don’t come exclusively from individuals who frequent your brick and mortar store. Don’t neglect business to business sales opportunities. If you can’t immediately think of company names, a quick internet search should provide you with local business that are related to your field of business and might have a need for your products. Who knows, after a bit of initial business, you might even find an advertising partner or they might put you on to other prospective customers. Schools - Just because you aren’t selling notebooks and pens doesn’t mean you should overlook your local university as a source of new business. In fact, most schools offer such diverse degree programs today, that there are likely students and faculty related to your field of business who might have a need or interest in your products. While students may not have the largest disposable incomes, they are most certainly always looking for a deal or the latest hot new thing. Wherever you find your audience, you should always be focusing your marketing efforts on the people, places and events of interest that will grant you the best possible chance for a sale. That’s why you are advertising, after all. The less time and effort spent on general advertisements targeted at a faceless public the better. You’re investing money in advertising , so make sure your ads are reaching your targets - customers with cash in hand and a need for what you’re selling.