A marketing agency can make a huge difference to your business but there are many out there and not all of them are as good as each other. In this article we look at ways to find the right marketing agency to work with.
As the online marketing industry grows we see a plethora of new agencies coming on the marketing daily. Some could be described as a full service marketing agency, an agency that offers a range of services while others specialise in one area. For a company that is new to digital marketing it is a daunting prospect to choose between so many different agencies. So, how can you choose the agency that is the best fit with your own needs?
The first thing you should find out is what an agency can offer you. You can expect any decent firm to be able to provide you with a list of services they are able to deliver. Some prefer to look for a full service agency. Knowing that the agency you are working with has a broad range of skills can help. It certainly means that if you need additional services later you dont need to get a second agency involved.
A good full service marketing agency should incorporate a full range of services, including:
1. Development and design of websites.
2. Marketing strategies and knowledge of how they can improve your business revenue.
3. SEO. Can they optimise your site for search engines?
4. Social Media Marketing. This is a growing area, does the agency have the skills to assist you with it?
5. Pay Per Click
6. Copywriting
7. Usability testing
8. Email marketing
9. Banner advertisements
10. Conversion rate optimisation
It can be reassuring to know that your agency is able to help with all of these areas. Even if you dont want the services, it is important that they can give you advice on these topics.
New services are being developed all the time and new marketing trends can be very important. This makes it really important that you are working with a company that is keeping up to date. Current trends include mobile device app development and the continuing popularity of social networking sites such as Twitter, Youtube and Facebook.
Do your home work on agencies before considering working with them. Obviously it is worth looking at their websites and one thing to look out for is testimonials from their clients. You may find that contacting some of their clients also tells you more. Try searching for them online and in forums, if people have had problems with them in the past there will surely be evidence of it. If they do come up clean, and if they have an esteemed and varied portfolio, with examples of different services they have offered others, then they could well be what you are looking for.
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