People buy things according to what they have ve read in marketing collaterals such as custom booklets or even cheap booklets. And no matter how many times flyers,

brochures, sales letters and cheap booklets are thrown in the garbage bin, marketing messages do get read and noticed by their target audiences.
The next question now is what is read and kept, and what is not? The answer lies on how you write your marketing message.
Write a message that compels interest.
Do not just give your target readers words and content that do not mean anything to them. Make them want to sit up and read more of what you have to say. Immediately capture their interest and spend time getting their attention. Because once you capture their interest, it would be very easy for you to convey your sales pitch and they would be very willing to listen.
Write a compelling headline.
Always, a good headline can get you clients to read your message; but a compelling one can get your readers to stay and read more of what you have to tell. That is why your headline is very important to your marketing message. It must not only capture their interest, but the headline should also be able to demand their attention that they would want to give your message some serious thinking. The most effective headlines are those made short, direct-to-the-point, and something that involves the readers on a personal basis.
Write about the benefits.
What can get them so interested that they would not want to let go of your custom booklet printing? The benefits. What is in it for them? What do they gain from reading your message? Focus on the needs of your target audience, not your own. They do not care about your company or how much you have already accomplished. What they care about is what they can get from you. So be very clear about the benefits and make it easy for them to understand your message right away.
Write based on researched facts.
Since you are on borrowed time (your readers’), do not give them a message that you know very well is not true. Avoid exaggerating for the sake of getting their attention. People can smell one false marketing statement a mile away. Try to support your claims with facts. Hence, you need to research first before you embark on your marketing campaign. The more your research, the easier it is for you to provide valuable information to your target clients.
Write what you can deliver.
This means ensuring that what you put in your message is what you can really provide. Do not make promises that you cannot keep. If a truth can spread fast, lies and dishonesty spread faster. Keep to what you can offer. In addition, you will surely generate a lot of loyal customers who will appreciate your service rather than your sales pitches.