Years ago, I was in the US Air Force, ... atClark Air Base, Republic of ... I lovedthe place and ... when our unit was ... biggest lesson I learned during my tour ofduty the
Years ago, I was in the US Air Force, stationed at
Clark Air Base, Republic of Philippines. I loved
the place and regretted when our unit was moved.
The biggest lesson I learned during my tour of
duty there was to bargain. This was a concept that
was, and still is, foreign to most Americans.
One day while in "the market" I saw a shirt that
I really loved. It had a drawstring waist and was
made from an old flour sack which had been printed.
I asked "how much." The salesclerk said $20. I said
thank you and walked away. She yelled, "wait brother,
you're suppose to bargain." I ended up getting that
shirt for only $4. That was the custom in most shops that
I went to in Asia (outside of Japan). If you were
willing to pay three times as much as what they would
have settled for, then that's what you paid. They also
generally quoted you a price based upon what they
estimated you could pay.
In my present life, I continue to learn the importance
of bargaining both online and offline. Offline, we all
know the importance of bargaining with your local car
dealer (as an example). Many people do it with jewelry
or furniture stores. As an online business person it's also
important to realize that you don't have to settle for the
posted price. Often, all you need to do to get a better
price is ask for it. Any merchant hungry for a sale is
likely to lower his price a little if you just ask. Many
merchants will probably hate that I just pointed this out
to you.
Let me give you a few examples.
When I place ads in ezines, I frequently ask the ezine
publisher for a lower price, a special if I purchase
a package, or for premium placement. If you ask many
ezine publishers to put your ad up top, or in the
middle of an article, they will agree - especially if
they do not think that they will make the sale otherwise.
When I set up a recent merchant account, I merely
involved two providers in a bidding war. Whether you
realize it or not, they do have some discretion on what
they charge you to set up a merchant account. Simply shop
around and then see how bad they want your business.
What I discovered in the process is that the 2.35% rate I am
most often quoted is not the absolute lowest. In-fact, I
can set almost any internet-based business up with a merchant
account with a lower rate. Heck, I can get you 1.99% if you
are one of my clients and have good credit!
When setting up an account with your web host, point out
that you can get the same features and space at other hosts
for less. Ask them to lower the price. If you ask the person
with that authority, they may offer you a lower rate. You
never know until you ask. I've even had a few clients
surprised when they were offered absolutely free, full-
service hosting :-)
In practically everything that you use in your online
business, you can get a lower rate. The secret is to ask.
The VERY best way to do that is simply to ask, "Is that the
best that you can do?" They will know exactly what you are
asking and many merchants will lower the price. You could also
ask, "Can't you do a little better." Both of the above phrases
work great in local shops too.
Prices are not set in stone, and if your funds are tight, a
good way to lower your expenses and get off to a quicker
start is simply to start asking for a price break. If someone
looks at my $147 web copywriting course, which is the best in
the business, and asks for a discount, I'm very likely to give
it to them. Don't tell anyone though :-) Given the choice of
losing the sale, or giving you a slight price reduction,
what do you think most online merchants will do?
I've just armed you with another bit of advice that I have
never seen any other ezine publisher offer. Start doing this
today, and you'll be pleasantly surprised, and your budget will
buy soooooo much more.
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