Attention Article Marketers - Do You Know Which Articles Are Making You Money?
Selling ClickBank products with article marketing is a great way to make money online. Do you know which articles are making you money, though? Make more money with less work when you track ClickBank sales back to the article that generated the sale.
Article marketers wanting to make money online naturally flock to the ClickBank marketplace to find products to promote. Once you find a product you write and submit articles hoping to see money flowing into the account,
and if you do everything correctly, the money does come in.But can you
track ClickBank sales back to the article that generated the sale? This is important if you want to work less but make more. Some of the best advice in any endeavor is to do more of that which works and less of that which does not.Does this make sense?Clickbank has a tracking mechanism that can be attached to Google Analytics that will at least track your sale back to a particular article directory. But you want to know exactly which article so you can write more articles like that one. And the instructions to hook that all up between Google and ClickBank are more complicated than 99% of article marketers want to try to tackle.I will be honest, I am a programmer and they lost me when I saw the instructions were longer than my computer screen is tall. Way too hard to do.When you write articles for making money online with article marketing you want to test different styles and approaches. In order to test, however, you need of means of measuring success. And success is measured by
tracking your ClickBank sales back to the article that generated it.Article marketing is supposed to be simple, therefore your tracking needs to be simple also. After all, if you were a web programming genius, smart enough to hook up somebody's analytics to ClickBank's tracking system, then you probably would not be doing article marketing.
Tracking your ClickBank sales will let you change things like where you put your anchor text and links, how you phrase your resource box and whether bullet-ed lists work better than just paragraphs of text.You also want to test article title formats and even the title itself. You may find that you hit gold with doing lists of 10 things; or you may find that those never sell a product because people have gotten all of the information they need.And that is what is really deceiving, thinking that article views and click throughs are equivalent to sales. They are not.You may have a very popular article that has thousands of views. Perhaps viewers are even clicking through (out of curiosity only, maybe); but since you gave them what they were looking for in the article itself, they have no need to purchase the product you are promoting.Do you know which articles are making you money? How much of your time are you wasting on articles that do not pay you? Track ClickBank sales back to the article directory and even exact article that generated the sale.Find out how you can make more money with less work when you know what articles and writing styles are making you money. Head to right now and get on the road to bigger profits.