Let's face it, your email box is flooding over with oodles of email. Some of it makes you wonder whereon God's green earth did this crap come from ... not alone. ... are ... from
Let's face it, your email box is flooding over with oodles of email. Some of it makes you wonder where
on God's green earth did this crap come from right?
You're not alone. Thousands are suffering from that dreaded 4 letter word called s-p-a-m! It is becoming
more difficult to distinguish between unsolicited email and those you requested to receive. But what about
these ezines and newsletters you're receiving? Do you consider them garbage? We, as Publishers, sure hope
Here's a valuable piece of advice:
Before you delete, please read!
You see, many ezine Publishers have already been down the road you're travelling. They have made the same
mistakes and have overcome most obstacles cluttering the Internet highway. Most of these Publishers have something to tell you, but, how many of you are actually listening?
In addition to providing the resources, e-courses, tutorials, and literature to help you achieve success through Internet marketing, a good Publisher will provide you with support.
Don't be afraid to contact a Publisher with your questions or comments. In fact, most rely on your input and value
your feedback. Interact with your Publisher and you'll be pleasantly surprised to find a real human behind that issue!
Whether you subscribed through a recommendation, a website you visited, or through Ezine Co-Ops, you're
bound to find some ezines are worth reading from start to finish. There's a wealth of information, and many hidden
strategies, free downloads, and links to resources you may not have known exist.
A lot of time and research goes in to many of these publications, so, use caution before pressing the delete key.
You may be missing something you've been looking for!