Combining the Benefits of Article Marketing
Article marketing is by far the most powerful way one can get visitors to their website. It is free, and usually only takes a couple of days before the articles get posted and start getting read.
Article marketing is by far the most powerful way one can get visitors to their website. It is free,

and usually only takes a couple of days before the articles get posted and start getting read.Article writing is easily the most effective way to boost the search engine ranking for your website or blog. One could very well get thousands of visitors over time as a result of the search engine rankings created by a single article writing effort!Aside from the benefits to your search engine rankings, article marketing provides a unique way to gain some instant profits as well. With a well written article and a good product, you could very easily make a few sales.You should never advertise a product in your articles. They should ask a question, and then answer it in a span of 300 - 500 words. You don't need to write mega articles that prove your genius. You don't need to provide all the answers to every question.Keep the focus on a single question or topic, and wrap it up quickly as soon as you reach 300 words. With that question answered, the reader will be looking for additional help with the problem.Your article should solve only a small part of a bigger problem the reader may have. You can't possibly solve all of their problems. (Only your product can do that, remember). You would be far better served to write 3 articles of 500 words over one of 1500 words.For the maximum benefits of article promotion you need to put out as many articles as you can, but at the same time they must perform by getting clicks to your site. The quantity will be rewarded by many new search engine visitors, while getting the clicks will lead to the instant burst of cash.By making things easier on the reader you will be better able to turn them in clickers. There's just no reason to complicate things.