A lot of people ignore the presentation folder. They think it is just a folder for containing booklets,

brochures, press releases and the other things inside presentation kits. This however is the wrong way in looking at your business folder. Presentation folder printing is actually at the forefront of your competitive business strategy. It is the first thing people will see as you pass it around for your presentation.
Color presentation folders exist to impress people, and to give that all-important first impression about yourself that hopefully will last. An eye-catching folder printing design can make or break your presentation so it is important to know how to keep your presentation folders at the peak of their competitiveness. Here are a few tips we have collected over the years to create the most competitive presentation folders out there.
1. The first thing you must consider is the folder quality. You must spend for this. Always aim for the best quality material for your folder given the budget. Any less and it cheapens your presentation folder. Your boss, potential clients or business contacts will always deserve your best in this area. You must look your best for them, so your presentation folder should look the same. Use glossy folder material if possible or any other quality paper. Folder printing companies can accommodate requests for different kinds of materials it possible. If you are a bit creative, try other materials like plastic, velvet and even leather. People will appreciate the effort and will remember your presentation for it.
2. Next of course is the design itself. To stay ahead and be competitive against other presentation folders always think of the best and creative design for them. If you are not good at graphic design, hire a professional one to design your folder for you. Keep the folder trendy, but do not be afraid to try an alternative design if possible.
Also, stay away from presentation folder templates. They may cut your production time in half, but it will be boring and common. A good way to do this is to think of a central theme that is related to your presentation. Use the theme in the presentation folder, as well as the materials inside it. If you can have a symbol or motif to use for the design go for it. You can even change the whole shape of the presentation folder to match this motif. Of course, keep in mind that it is a business presentation and not an art project. So tread lightly between the line of elegant style and high school art project.
3. Another tip to make your color presentation folder stand out is the effective writing of its title or tag line. Besides having some nice pictures and material, words can have an impact as well. Try to write something inviting or mysterious for the tag line. Have people wanting to see what is inside. Try to be poetic or even witty if it can be applied. Once they read your tagline, they should be hooked.
4. Lastly, try to make judicious use of color. Some people think that a simple white folder, with its formality, enough for a presentation folder. This is wrong. To stay competitive, use other colors to make your folder stand out. You can stick with one main color theme related to your design, while using a combination of complimentary ones for sleeves, edges and borders. Do not get too caught up though.
Use the folder color to compliment the design and the layout, do not overwhelm them.
That is about it for competitive presentation folder printing. Always keep these four things in mind to always stay ahead and be noticed even if it is just a presentation folder. Keep reinventing the presentation folder and you will have another tool for business success.