Custom Printed Oktoberfest Pint Glasses & Steins
Before you know it, Oktoberfest will be here. It's just around the corner. So, you should start thinking now about what you want to do for Oktoberfest...
Before you know it,

Oktoberfest will be here. It's just around the corner. So, you should start thinking now about what you want to do for Oktoberfest. If you're a business owner, Oktoberfest is the perfect time of year to give away custom printed Oktoberfest pint glasses and steins. These promotional gifts are classic Oktoberfest items. If you have ever been to an Oktoberfest, whether in Germany or in your own community, you know that all you see are pint glasses and steins. They are actually collector's items for people who frequent Oktoberfest festivities.
As a business owner, it might be a good idea to not only give away the custom printed Oktoberfest pint glasses and steins, but to throw some sort of festivity at your business in honor of the occasion. Oktoberfest is a time of year for people to celebrate. It is a sixteen day festival held in Munich, Germany every year. Why not join in on the celebration and use the time to promote your business? You could hold a sixteen day sale on all of your items and give away pint glasses and steins with every customers' purchase. Or, you could have the same sale, which leads up to a big party at the end of the sixteen days where the items will be given away. The key is to hold your "event" as if you are actually in Germany celebrating Oktoberfest. You want to make it fun for your customers so that they will want to come in and celebrate with you. They will especially enjoy getting the free custom printed pint glasses and steins, especially if they like to collect these items.
Now, before giving away the pint glasses and steins, you want to have them custom printed with your business logo and possible the name of your city and the year-just like they would do in Germany. Because when you get a stein in Germany, it will say "Munich, Germany 2009," for example. This is done for the collectors. By putting your logo, the city, and year on your custom printed Oktoberfest pint glasses and steins, you are recreating exactly what happens in Germany during Oktoberfest. That recreation is what is going to set you apart from other businesses that don't even make the effort to celebrate Oktoberfest at all.
Oktoberfest is such a fun time of year. If you, as a business owner, participate in Oktoberfest by throwing a sixteen day sale, giving away custom printed pint glasses & steins, and throwing a party, you are sure to win over old customers' loyalty and gain new customers as well. No one can resist a party and no one can resist bringing home free items, especially things as nice as custom printed pint glasses and steins. It is a known fact that everyone likes freebies. So, take advantage of that fact and give away the best pint glasses and steins that you can find, throw a party, and have fun with it. The more fun you have with it, the more fun your customers will have and the more fun they have, the more they will remember you.