Customers Buy When They Feel Good

Aug 27


Bob Leduc

Bob Leduc

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... Buy When They Feel ... 2003 Bob ... ... will not buy unless they feel good about you, your company and your product or service. Here are 4 sim


Customers Buy When They Feel Good
Copyright 2003 Bob Leduc

Prospective customers will not buy unless they feel good
about you,Customers Buy When They Feel Good Articles your company and your product or service. Here
are 4 simple ways you can stimulate their good feelings
...and motivate them to buy.

1. Personalize Your Marketing

Prospects are more likely to buy from you when they feel you
are talking directly to them about their unique needs. Look
for ways to make your sales message more specific to the
needs of prospective customers.

For example, subdivide your targeted market into several
more narrowly defined niche markets. Then customize your
sales approach so it appeals to the specific interests of
prospects in each niche market.

Tip: You can narrow the appeal of your web site without
losing its effectiveness with your broader market. Just
create customized web pages for each niche market you
target. Then add a link to each of these specialized pages
on your home page.

2. Emphasize Good Feelings

Prospective customers usually base their buying decision on
how they feel about your product or service. Get them
excited about using it and they won't hesitate to buy.

One way to get them excited is to convert the benefits
provided by your product or service into a vivid word
picture. Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing
what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits.

For example: If you sell financial products, describe what
it feels like to enjoy an affluent lifestyle without debt.

3. Confront Buyer Skepticism

A prospective customer will not buy if they have any doubt
that you will deliver exactly what you promise. Here are 3
of the many ways you can confront and overcome skepticism in
your customer's mind.

* Use testimonials. They prove you've already delivered
satisfaction to other customers. To be effective, they
should describe a specific result your customer got by using
your product or service. For example, "In just 2 weeks I
lost 9 pounds, felt years younger and still continued to
enjoy my favorite foods".

* Provide specifics. Convert general statements into
specific descriptions. Instead of "quick and easy", explain
exactly how quick and how easy. Also, reduce round numbers
like "15 pounds" into specific odd numbers like "13.7
pounds". It sounds more authentic.

* Tone down your claims. A bold claim creates doubt in your
prospect's mind and jeopardizes the sale. Avoid using any
claim that sounds exaggerated - even if it is true. Reduce
any bold claim to a more believable statement.

4. Eliminate The Need To Make Decisions

Try to structure your selling process so prospective
customers do not have to make decisions. Every decision they
have to make interrupts the buying process. It diverts their
attention away from the action of completing the sale.

This can be especially hazardous when customers have
difficulty making a clear choice among several options. Some
will avoid the risk of making a wrong choice by making NO
choice ...and you lose a sale you already had.

That's why you should promote only one product or service
each time you advertise. You can use separate promotions for
each product or service. But limit your prospect's decision
to only "Yes, I will buy" or "No, I will not buy". Don't
risk losing them over a "Which One" decision.

Tip: Sometimes you can successfully combine 2 or more
related products or services into a special combination
offer. But limit your customer's decision to "Yes" or "No".
Don't include an option to buy the items separately.

Prospective customers must feel good about you, your company
and your product or service before they will buy. Start
using these 4 simple tactics to stimulate their good
feelings and motivate them to buy.

Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find
new customers and increase sales. He just released a New
Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast
With Simple Postcards and several other publications to help
small businesses grow and prosper. For more information:
Email: Subject: "Postcards"
or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV