You want all of your marketing messages to have a single focus, so they pull together instead of competing with each other. Great! So how do you come up with one?
First, there are several things you need to know. Who is your target? As specifically as possible, who are you trying to sell to? Don’t just say “women,” say, “fashion conscious women age 18-35.” Say, “stay-at-home mothers of preschool children.”
Next, what benefit of your product or service will most appeal to them? Let’s say you’re selling grass seed. The fact that your seed makes lawns greener is a feature. When your neighbors get jealous of your greener lawn, that’s a benefit. And, it’s a benefit that really appeals to the ego of men who enjoy working on their lawns.
Once you know what you’re saying and who you’re saying it to, spell it out in one sentence. “Marketing will convince young, professional, suburban males that AAA Grass Seed will produce a lawn that their neighbors will envy.” This is your marketing strategy, and every ad, commercial, letter, or communication of any type should agree with it.
Now that you have a focused message, pound it home. You’ll find that once all of your communication is on strategy, your individual tactics work together and become much stronger than they were separately. And that will make a dramatic difference in your business!
Marketing: Can I Trust You?
We live in an unprecedented era of communication. Because of this, your prospects are literally bombarded from all directions with marketing messages. They’ve heard so many hyped claims, that they automatically distrust them all.Get Personal: Letters vs. Direct Mail
One of the reasons direct mail works is the personal aspect. It’s ostensibly a letter from you to your prospect. Because of this, the more personal you make it, the better your response will be.Maximizing Your Yellow Page Investment
Yellow Page users are the hottest of all prospects – someone who has made the decision to buy, and now is looking for a place to do it. Does your ad convince them that your business is that place?