Effective Press Release Distribution
Few online marketers understand what effective distribution of press releases online is all about. Yet almost everybody appreciates the power of the World Wide Web and how efficient and wide distribution of press releases can make such a huge difference to any marketing campaign.
One of the things that start off most people on the wrong track is the assumption that the word “distribute” means the same thing online as it does offline. In fact aggressive distribution of anything online quickly earns the person responsible for it that undesirable tag of SPAMMER. The Most Important Online Rule Marketers Should Never ForgetHere is one key rule that marketers should never forget and it also applies to anybody seeking to distribute their press releases effectively online. It is simply this; people hate to be advertised to on the web. This means that your press release must come across as useful profitable information rather than advertising. This is the only way you will end up being effective. Actually as long as you constantly remember this important key rule in everything that you do online,
all should be well. The First Step In Effective Distribution Is PostingThe first step in effective online news release distribution is not to hit the “send” button. Rather it is to post your release. We are assuming here that you have written it for the web. That means doing some keyword research and using the right keyword phrases that will attract traffic from search engines. The ideal place to post it is at your official web site. It will also be a good idea to have links leading from the page where your press release is directly to other relevant pages offering more information on your product. Use The Power Of Blogs To Distribute Your Special AnnouncementThe next thing you will need to do will be to get to the blogosphere (where all the traffic resides) and start off by posting an interesting article based on your press release. The more sensational and relevant you are, the better. Naturally you will need to link to the source of your information, which is the press release at your site. The most amazing thing about the blogosphere is the fact that blogs tend to quickly link to each other, almost naturally. So if you do this right, within a very short time you will have started a viral process that will ensure that your press release and information related to it is “distributed” far and wide. Responsible Comments Are Very EffectiveWithout leaving the blogosphere, the next step in distributing your press release will be to get to a good online blog search engine. I usually use the Google one. Use keywords that are relevant to the main idea behind your press statement. This will lead you to pages discussing the same subject. Read every page carefully before you leave your comment. This is the only way you will be able to make a relevant effective comment that will get attention. Do NOT leave any link in comments. This is an important rule because most bloggers delete every comment that has a link without even reading the contents. Actually it is not necessary for you to leave a link because there are many ways people can find you, all you need to do is ensure that all the information is available where folks will look for you. For instance in blogger.com the name you use for comments will lead back to your online profile. Update your profile so that it points directly back to your press release. Others will use your name on a search engine to find you, so do the same and visit the top places in the top 10 results. Ensure that in all those places, it will be easy to find your press release. There are many blogs where they ask for your web site when you leave comments. Rather than lace the url for your web site, place the link that specifically leads to the page where your press release is posted. Use Article DirectoriesWith your keyword research still handy, write a few articles for popular high traffic article directories based on your press release and link directly back to your press release. Again the effect here is viral because good articles get re-posted all over the place with your links intact. This will further ensure that your press release gets seen by a huge targeted audience. This is one effective way to distribute press releases online.