American Machinist Magazine covers Engineer-to-Order Manufacturing
Jim Benes wrote a feature that appears in the January issue of American Machinist magazine,” according to Penton, Group Managing Editor Gina M. Tabasso. ETO Institute ( spokesperson, Thomas R. Cutler is quoted in the feature article (
Thomas R. Cutler, who founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium in 1999, has grown the participation from 300 journalists to more than two thousands key clients, journalists, editors, trendsetters, and key business leaders worldwide. Cutler has authored more than 1000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals including most of the leading monthly trade publications. Cutler is the author of The Manufacturers’ Public Relations and Media Guide. Cutler was voted #1 Manufacturing Journalist for the third year in a row. The firm has forty-two employees worldwide. TR Cutler, Inc., (, is the nation's largest manufacturing marketing and public relations firm, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Cutler is widely respected as the leading journalist expert in the Engineer-to-Order (ETO) environment having authored hundreds of feature articles on the subject. “It’s a fascinating sector of manufacturing and quite different that repetitive manufacturing that has a totally different series of considerations. These are unique one-of-a-kind products that are changed and re-engineered throughout the manufacturing process. Correct technologies are required to work in this special environment,” according to Cutler.
TR Cutler, Inc.
Thomas Cutler
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