Facebook Business Plan – How to Promote Your Business With Facebook
Facebook can be a great small business marketing tool for business of all shapes and size. This is why you should include this strategy when making your Facebook business plan.
A big mistake that many entrepreneurs make when it comes to social media sites like Facebook is the belief that these sites are only useful for large companies that have big brands. In reality, Facebook can be a great small business marketing tool for business of all shapes and size.
In your strategy, you can include to use of a Facebook business plan. This social networking website is gaining so much popularity these days. There are billions of people who are using Facebook around the world. This means that with this social networking site, you will have the best opportunities of attracting more prospected customers. This is why you should include this strategy when making your Facebook business plan.
1. Starting a Facebook group.
The first strategy is to start a Facebook group. The advantage of starting a group is credibility. Set up a group that's relevant to the area of being a financial adviser that would appeal to clients. When you set up the group, clearly state your 'credo', which is a statement of purpose for what this group is all about.
Once you start the group, invite your clients to join the group. Then, visit the group daily, posting your comments, ideas and/or wealth building strategies. You'll gain credibility and your clients will gain knowledge and a closer connection with you...which means more money. Financial planning success is built on relationships.
2. Networking
The second strategy in your Facebook business plan is networking. Decide on a plan to network in specific areas. Draw up a list of groups in your niche that you can find quickly each time you go onto Facebook in order to add value, comment on and share content and information within the group discussion board and network with other group members to build relationships and exchange ideas.
Find a few business pages of leaders within your industry and become a fan of the page. By doing this you will be able to see exactly what your competitors are up to on Facebook and also who else is a fan of your business rivals. In addition, you can also comment on updates made by the fan page administrator which will be seen by everyone who follows the page, offering you free advertising in the process.
Add relevant contacts to your list by carrying out a quick search of the Facebook platform to see what type of people are out there talking about your industry. This is really simple to do but very powerful; simply type in your chosen keyword or search term into the search tab at the top right hand side of your Facebook profile page, hit the search symbol and then work your way through the results column on the left hand side of the page, providing you with search results from a range of different sources across the Facebook platform.
3. Sales
The best way to make a sale is to plan for it and with a little modification to your user profile you can set up a unique opt-in form on your profile page to offer people the chance to subscribe to more information from you about your product or service. If you want to go one better, then why not set up a Facebook page for your business and add a shopping cart facility to allow people to buy straight from your door, without ever having to leave the great land of Facebook?
Whatever you decide to do when making your Facebook business plan, remember the one rule of thumb; people don't frequent social networking sites to be sold to, so don't sell them on anything and you might be surprised how many sales you can actually make!