5 Killer tips to get best return from your Facebook Marketing
Facebook fan page is not the single answer to Facebook marketing. There are other secret tricks to use Facebook for business. The article gives 5 powerful tips to promote your brand on Facebook.
Facebook.com is one of the biggest places on internet to market your product,

services or business presence. Businesses need to have a special strategy for social media marketing, specially for Facebook marketing. Also, there are many tools and features on Facebook for business.
Here are some of the powerful tips to effective brand campaigns on Facebook market:
Facebook profile: The Facebook profile will help you to fill up basic company information. Facebook gives you provision to upload unlimited images and videos to do continuous brand presence among its followers.
Extended network: It is the simplest and oldest technique for any doing any social media marketing. Just increase your network. More customers in your network mean better business promotion. In Facebook marketing, it is good to see that people sending you Friend Request on a regular basis.
Facebook business pages: Facebook business page or fan page is the ultimate ‘branded’ page on this networking site. You can customize your fan page with more interactive features and nice attractive graphics. Customers would love click on the call-to-action, ‘Like’ button (‘FB Likes’). If look around you can see how well known brands are coming up with innovating ideas to popularize their Facebook pages.
For example, Coca-Cola (http://www.facebook.com/cocacola) shows to a simple arrow sign to indicate its brand. Disney’s page (http://www.facebook.com/Disney) highlights its various characters on ‘Wall’. Adidas (http://www.facebook.com/adidasoriginals) portrays a vertical brand promoting image on the top left side of their page. And BlackBerry (http://www.facebook.com/BlackBerry) comes with its unique PlayBook offerings. Nokia (http://www.facebook.com/nokia) focuses on the questions & answers for its Symbian Belle range on its Facebook page. And Audi (http://www.facebook.com/audi) lets you to download its catchy Le Mans desktop graphic. IBM shows latest updates on their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ibmworld). If you want to promote your brand through Facebook marketing, you should start with something like this.
Groups: You can join any business group on Facebook with your company’s account to tell everyone what you offer. Or you can have your own Groups page, and people can join your group. On your Groups page, you can put various discussion issues company and people may participate in that.
Events: How to promote offers to the people who are not within your group or outside of your network? ‘Events’ is one of the powerful features on Facebook by which you can invite anybody to your program, although the person may not be part of your network.
Apart from these generic Facebook marketing tips, there are other Facebook marketing options. The secret tricks behind Facebook for business can be only utilized if you take the help from a Facebook marketing company. A Facebook marketer will guide you from successfully designing the Facebook company page to increasing Facebook fan base.
Where to find a reliable Facebook marketing agency for your brand campaigns? Here is one company for your need. Codeclouds Technologies ( http://www.codeclouds.com/portfolio/ ) is a web brand of CISPL which focuses on Facebook fan page design and Facebook marketing. If you want to shout on Facebook for your brand, search on internet for a Facebook marketing company ( http://www.codeclouds.com/contact-us/ ) to make it large.