Finding an Online Marketing Manager You Won’t Want to Fire
Use These Tips if You're Looking for an Online Marketing Manager You Can Trust
Finding good talent takes time. And the last thing you want is to see all that time go to waste by having to get rid of someone who just isn’t cutting it. You can’t afford it,

the company can’t afford it. So if you’re looking to hire in an online marketing manager, VP or exec, here are some tips to help you identify someone that will last and bring real value to the company.
1. Experience in more than one discipline
Not talking about a marketing exec with a financial background. What I mean by this is: Look for someone with experience in more than one online marketing channel. A marketing executive that has experience only in search marketing will carry that bias with him or her, and may be less inclined to give social its due when that due is deserved. Look for a resume that shows aptitude or experience in more than one discipline: search, social, even mobile (if possible). An online marketing manager should advocate implementing strategies in all these areas and coordinate that effort to ensure you are getting all that you can out of your online marketing spend.
2. Understands the metrics
This goes hand-in-hand with tip number one. Someone with experience in multiple online channels will be more likely to understand the metrics that go along with them. In pay-per-click, we look at costs per click and click-through rates. In SEO, it’s about ranking and keyword visibility, among other things. In online PR, we think in terms of placement. Social is about reach (network size), engagement and sentiment. A strong online marketing manager will be able to tie all of these to your core business targets to show measurable results from your campaigns.
3. Is aware of the latest tools
Now-a-days there are tools for everything. Tools for keyword research. Tools for building links. Tools for measuring your reputation. There are search tools, social tools, ad tools, and many more. A new addition to online marketing software seems to appear every week. While it’s unreasonable to expect an internet marketing manager to know all the tools out there in depth, he or she should at least be aware of the latest and most important tools in use and the value they bring.
4. Keeps up on the news
This is a simple prequal, but important. Add to your list of interview questions, “How many online marketing newsletters do you subscribe to?” You don’t want to miss out on the latest strategy for gaining followers or be hammered by the latest search engine update. A qualified online marketing manager is someone that keeps up on the pulse of the market, watches the headlines, and uses that information to improve practices, strategy, and execution.
5. Likes it - no, loves it
If a candidate possesses the above traits, this will most likely follow. But check and double check, to be sure. This could be the single most important quality—passion. Sounds cheesy, but the best talent is the person that not only knows what he is doing but loves what he’s doing. It’s the person that can’t leave without seeing the latest campaign results come in, or can’t tear her eyes away from the headlines for a weekend so she doesn’t miss out on the latest buzz in social, or went to the latest web conference on her own dime. Throw this question on your list: “What do you love about online marketing?” The level of enthusiasm in that response can tell you volumes. And when you find that gung-ho individual, do what you can to hold on to ‘em.