Don’t let the pretty color of graphics make you think they do not play a major role in website popularity. Well placed graphics can lure a potential customer to keep reading.
How many times have you heard that the content of a website is key to success? Inspirational articles, news, blogs and similar items are needed to keep your website out of the doomed failure dumpster. With everyone looking at content, what about the graphics? Just how much weight to they pull with the overall success of a website? When you are surfing the net, and you come across a website, what about that site makes you want to stay or click a button and keep on cruising? If you happen across a site that has screaming neon colors and flashing, migraine inducing banners, most likely you will hurry away from that site. If you should enter a site that is well presented, with an artistic mix of graphics and text, you will find yourself taking the time to read on. Content is important, however graphics are a great way to balance out the text. It breaks up the monotony of text, making it easier to read. Graphics are also supporters to the text, so they should not just be there just for the sake of it. The whole point of graphics is to draw the reader in, and immerse them in the site, and hopeful encourage them to order.
Graphics can create an alluring imagine and persuade the reader to buy the product. Buy it Now buttons for instance are the perfect example of a graphic that prompts readers to click here to buy product. Graphics can also have all the power in making a sale or near miss. E-books for instance are downloaded straight to the buyers computer, unfortunately there are not any catchy covers, or even solid product to show to the purchaser. This problem can be solved by creating a graphic of the book which has a stunning cover that will promote the product itself. The color graphics of the project often match the overall color tones of the whole website. Graphics can also help surfers navigate a website with drop down menus, and indicate pages of a website.
Text may be very important but do not let yourself be fooled, graphics play a lead role in the success of a website. Spectacular graphics will keep a surfer browsing your website, and may lead to a sale. Well placed graphics can take your site to the next level of salesmanship, and that is every merchants ultimate goal.
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