How Do I Get My Website To Appear On Google?
"I've just put together a frankly beautiful website with some lovely moving intro graphics however when I try to search for my website, there's no sign of it on Google. How do I Get my website to appear on Google?" Well, how long have you got? We're guessing that you want some concise answers you can get your head around so let's begin...
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!
You may well have produced a visually stunning website treat with a knockout flash animated intro page but as far as Google and other search engines are concerned your website is nothing to write home about. The fact that most graphic image files go unnoticed by search engine indexing robots means that unless you include alt tags giving some text information as to the images content then all the effort will go unnoticed. As far as navigation is concerned,

search engines like things relatively simple so keep all main page links from the homepage consistent and easy to use for your website visitors as well. Make sure all pages have clear titles and are as clutter free as possible including in the website code.
FECK - Fresh Exciting Content is King!
You've heard the mantra 'content is King' right? Well to a point. It's true that Google likes nothing more than some new content to tuck into to feed its ravenous appetite but just copying and pasting some random articles you've just googled and hoping your website readers are going to find it useful, just isn't going to cut the mustard. Fresh, exciting content is where its at, I mean this stream of consciousness quality content is just flowing and I don't think it can be stopped. Can it get much more exciting? If you can keep your website readers entertained and coming back for a daily fix of hardcore content then chances are, google is going to sit up and pay attention to what your doing. As long as you think that someone somewhere is going to find your content of use, then whats stopping you. Hey buddy you just made someones day!
FOOL - Forage Other Online Links!
Yes, there's no escaping the inevitable fact that if you want your website to appear on Google somewhere near the top of the natural listings, then you are simply going to have to get down on your knees and beg for as many incoming suitable links as you can to help bolster up your websites popularity. Back links are the blood and veins of the internet if we're talking metaphorically and I suppose Google might be seen as it's central nervous system, occasionally having a massive epileptic fit when too much bad link juice is pumping around the system. To make sure your website doesn't end up clogged in the internets bowel like a stubborn stool make sure you've got a regular source of revitalising links coming in - perhaps aim to get your 5 a day to keep you regular, if we're still talking about human bodily functions - which we were in case anyone was getting a bit confused.
TWAT - They Want Another Try!
In todays climate it's vitally important to keep your website visitors both informed and entertained in order that they don't just hit the back button and leave your website for good. Google has recently implemented personal search whereby your own search keywords and phrases are stored in cookies on your computer so that Google can build up an idea of what interests you have and tailor search to give you results it thinks you might want to see. How is this going to help you get your website higher up on Google? Well, by keeping your visitors informed with regular updates and new features on your website, return visitors will be indexed and the longer visitors stay and browse through your website then incrementally your website is going to be viewed more favourably as a website worth showing up in the results that other folk might want to see. The idea then, is to keep them wanting more - offer online tools or regular giveaways, whatever you can to keep your visitors drooling with anticipation and coming back for more.
So there you have it in a handful of easy to remember acronyms - KISS, FECK, FOOL and TWAT. Now get out there and make yourselves useful.