The push for multi-channel marketing has never been as intense as it is today. Companies looking to improve must look to the future, they have to improve response rates in an increasing competitive market.
Technology is moving quickly to make these multi-channel efforts more affordable. Data and analytical solutions are built in to common data processing processes to provide more intelligence at a fraction of the costs.
Mobile marketing, marketing via text or with images and audio/video provide the latest touch point, and potentially the biggest leap forward. In the futuristic films so popular in Hollywood marketing efforts and commercials are broadcast in virtual images based on an individuals retinal scan. While we may not be there yet the mobile interaction is a step towards that personal communication. This message is very likely to be received since mobile devices are in the car, office and home. They are more likely to be targeted correctly, these devices stay pretty close to their owners, and so far there isn’t a lot of abuse of this media so people will take a look at the offer.
But Mobile Marketing must come from the right organization and must contain the correct elements to make it successful. It cannot exist as another method for email delivery. Offers must be time sensitive and relevant. Why would someone need an interruption on their PDA if it isn’t pressing or exciting. Making the most of these opportunities is critical.
Being aware of the audience you are targeting is crucial as well. Persona marketing can offer keep insights on who would best be targeted via Mobile Marketing. Companies today are packaging all elements, data hygiene, analytics, data and deployment to provide excellent opportunities to expand beyond the normal contact strategies. Tying together and tracking the overall contact strategy is essential for making the promotions and efforts most effective.
Getting into Mobile marketing will probably follow the same path as email marketing and e-commerce, with trial and error, with common thinking from direct methods failing as often as they succeed in this new media. But the changes required in thinking 10 years ago are in play again. Changes in thinking will allow marketers another great way to interact with their customers and prospects.
Little Know Tips to Improve Data Hygiene Processing
As the multi-channel marketplace grows in complexity there are a few bedrock principles that continue to make sense.The mystery of channel preference
It is increasingly more difficult to manage communication with customers and prospects because of the following conditions; new channels are introduced as technology advances, old channels are made obsolete and perceptions change, branding and image are no longer controlled solely by that company or it’s marketing department, and the pace of business in general is accelerating.Getting “hands on” with today’s marketing efforts
For many years the operations and activities of the catalog marketers have stopped as their data files have been delivered to their services bureaus or printers.