When you get to a point in your business when you have a lot of clients and you’re at full practice capacity, sometimes you’re overwhelmed and it’s really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You can’t make more money because there’s no more you to go around and no more time.
When you get to a point in your business when you have a lot of clients and you’re at full practice capacity, sometimes you’re overwhelmed and it’s really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You can’t make more money because there’s no more you to go around and no more time.
This is where a lot of people sometimes quit in their business or they just keep going at full practice capacity for many years but they don’t ever multiply their business.
Multiplying your business through bringing on associates. Now, perhaps if you are a consultant or you are a coach or even if you’re a photographer or you have a business where you do everything yourself now, there’s a point at which it makes sense to bring on other people that you train and you teach them how to deliver what you deliver.
Now, one of the biggest things that gets in the way of you doing this, and this has happened to me in the past and whenever I’ve thought about changing my business models so that I could grow, my mindset has gotten in the way. One of the things that gets in the way is that the thing that you might be struggling with is, “But they will only want me.” This is the But They Will Only Want Me syndrome.
I want to share with you that I’ve gone through this myself and we continue to grow through this. In coaching others how to do this so they can really leverage their business, I’m teaching them about four things. Instead of selling yourself, and perhaps your website is all about you right now, instead of just selling yourself, it’s time that you begin to sell what you offer in a different way.
These are the four things that I want you to think about and consider selling instead of yourself; instead of selling you get me and I am the person that created this and you will get the results from me, sell the process or curriculum. That’s number one, sell the process or curriculum.
Number two, sell the implementation. The associate that you bring on can be trained in holding someone accountable and making sure that they implement and the handholding part. You don’t actually have to do that but you can sell the client on that somebody will be there to hand hold you.
Number three, sell them on the fact that this is a system, that it doesn’t require you or one person; it’s a whole system surrounding the client so that they can get results. So that’s number three. If you’re a coach, it’s a coaching system. If you’re a wedding planner, it’s a wedding planning system.
Number four, you sell the results. Instead of selling just yourself, you’re selling the social proof, that people have gotten results that your system, your curriculum, the handholding and all that creates the results because in the end, client’s buy results. They don’t buy a person. They first buy the result. If you can position your associates or your new system as creating results, it can replace you.
Look at making sure that you are no longer indispensible in your business. Write that down. You are no longer indispensible in your business, only if you want to grow and multiply.
This is more advanced client attraction material. This is for people who are really interested. They’re at full capacity. They’re either part of our Leverage Lucy level or Leverage Larry level. This is about you cloning yourself through associates and it starts in the mindset, if you can sell yourself first on the fact that other people will buy your system will buy your associates, then you can sell others on it.
Listen to this video a couple of different times and see if you can sell yourself on creating a program where other associates can be trained to do what you do now because you can’t grow if you’re doing everything yourself now. It’s time to clone yourself.
That is your assignment for the week if you’re at this particular juncture in your business. I want you to let other people know about this. If you have colleagues or friends who are struggling with a full practice, it’s time that they begin to do things differently.
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