Having a video marketing strategy is key to reaching your ideal customer. Video is an often-overlooked marketing tactic that should be part of your marketing strategy. Here are three steps to create a video marketing strategy that increases engagement, leads and sales.
3 Steps to Reaching Your Ideal Customer with Video Content
Is video a part of your marketing strategy? If it’s not, it has to be! Why? Well, consumers are now comfortable with being marketed to via videos, and many now expect it from the brands they know and trust.
I know it took me a while to get comfortable with video, especially the ones that required getting me in front of the camera! But there are many ways videos can be done so if you’re camera shy, fear not, you don’t need to be a video star to get started.
The truth is, having a well-written product description, catchy paid ad or slick landing page isn’t enough to cut it for a lot of your target audience anymore. According to a recent survey by Wyzowl, 84% of respondents said that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
Now, maybe you’re nodding your head that yes, you do focus on video marketing. That’s great! But do you have a strategy in place based on your ideal customer profile, or are you simply throwing content out there, hoping that something will stick?
According to CISCO, video traffic will be 82% of all global consumer internet traffic by 2021.
Here are a few video marketing benefits to further convince you that a carefully crafted plan is worth it:
It’s time to seize the opportunity to utilize this essential, yet often-overlooked marketing tactic.
Here are three steps to create a video marketing strategy that increases engagement, leads and sales.
1. Choose your channels.
Not every brand should be creating YouTube videos, nor should every small business owner put videos on their website’s home page.
For example, I’ve found Twitter to be the best platform for sharing eVision Media blogs and articles, but Facebook is where it’s at to connect with my target audience via video. Could crafting Facebook Live videos be your ticket to your customers’ hearts?
To give you some insight into what platforms might be best for your small business, here’s a quick breakdown:
So, where is your ideal customer hanging out?
2. Plan your content carefully.
I’m not telling you that every word has to be scripted, or that you can’t do an impromptu Facebook Live to respond to a current event.
But before you record your message, ask yourself a few questions. Will this footage add value to your customer’s life? Does it represent your brand’s voice, tone and mission? Are you succinctly explaining yourself and providing a clear call to action?
To find the answers to these questions, always go back to your ideal customer profile (ICP). This will tell you what your target audience is, from their age bracket and occupation, to their lifestyle and pain points.
As part of figuring out your ideal customer profile, you probably crafted buyer personas as part of your initial branding strategy. If you haven’t done up brand personas to define your ideal target market, contact eVision Media to find out how we can help.
And it’s not just about what you say, but how long it takes you to say it. A big part of your video marketing strategy will be determining the length of your content. For example, research shows that Instagram videos should be around 30 seconds long and YouTube about two minutes. BuzzSumo found that the top-performing Facebook Lives are 15 to 20 minutes long.
By building out a calendar and planning your timing in advance, using this tactic will be easier and more effective. You won’t be fumbling for ideas at the last minute or shooting stuff that doesn’t resonate with your target audience.
3. Try it out and test it repeatedly!
Many small business owners are intimidated by the idea of shooting content to share with their customers.
But you don’t need a huge budget, fancy equipment or movie-star looks to be successful. What you do need is the ability and willingness to listen to your customers.
Just like you would for a display ad campaign or a landing page, you should look at your data to figure out what’s working and what isn’t. You can see how a campaign is performing by measuring things like:
A/B testing can be a valuable way to look at things like what performs better at what time of day, which channels are best for a specific piece of content and what length your target audience prefers.
READ: Your 2020 Guide on How to Get the Most Out of Video Marketing
In the past few years, we’ve seen a massive increase in video content popping up online, and there’s no sign of it slowing down.
From creating webinars to putting short clips in emails, a video marketing strategy is a must if you want to truly engage with your audience in order to improve brand awareness and boost leads and sales. Here are three trends for 2020 and beyond.
Read more.
Video marketing has gone from a nice-to-have to a must-have. It’s well worth your time and effort to create compelling and engaging footage that will have your customers coming back for more.
But no matter what you come up with, remember that today’s customers deserve and demand empathy-based marketing. Learn more about empathetic content marketing here, and happy filming!
To your business success, Susan Friesen
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