Every once in a while, you will be facing the problem that all professional article marketers have encountered, at least once in their career – dreaded writers block.
You will be able, however, to easily overcome this problem with these few tips on where to find resources and inspiration for your articles.
1. Old Article Links Directory articles are excellent choice when it comes to finding lost inspiration. This also includes the articles that you yourself have written and submitted in the past. If you have ever written email newsletters, you can now use those topics and ezine articles and combine them into one bigger article chunk. If, on the other hand, you have written large ezine articles in the past, you could now break them into smaller 300 words chunks. It would be much more convenient and will better serve the purpose than writing huge 1000 and + words articles.
2. If you were an active participant on some web forum, that is also an excellent place to look in. There is no doubt that you will be able to find your old forum posts that have more than 250 words and provide valuable info on the topic. Those old forum posts can be excellent source for your new articles. Those can be used to increase traffic toward your sites and consequently, generate more profit. You can also use appropriate forum posts that other people have written as your source, as long as you have taken enough effort to express it in your own words.
3. If you have been writing a blog, your old blog posts can also be a great source of inspiration for your new articles. Also blogs are made for the purpose of easy syndication and others can have convenient access to your posts via RSS feeds. Therefore, you should also consider distributing your articles via Blog as well. If you opt to do so, do not forget to add a resource box, pitching your blog site.
4. Use Google’s free keyword suggestion tool as a method to come up with new and fresh ideas for your articles. By using this tool you can easily check which topics related to your expertise have been searched for by users from all over the world. This way, you can easily produced around 20 shorter articles, each covering one such topic, providing answers and short tips related to the keyword phrase in question.
How To Write Most Effective Article Summaries
Article summaries are being displayed in most article directories, to help the readers decide which articles will best meet their particular interests. Its role is to ignite the readers’ curiosity and persuade them, in a few short sentences that your article is worth their time.Why You Should Avoid Spun Articles At All Costs
The spun articles are being generated by a number of SEO ‘experts’ who are littering the Internet with this garbage in an attempt to outsmart search engines and avoid the penalty that search engines are giving for duplicate content. Such articles provide extremely lousy user experience and although the words do differentiate from the original copy, they are NOT unique.Importance Of Providing Positive User Experience On Your Landing Page
The quality of the landing page that you are promoting within your article is immensely important. It has to provide a very positive visitor experience and leaves a strong impact on a reader so that he or she want to find out more about you and your website and keep coming back for more publications from you.