It doesn't need to be love at first sight. But your marketing message had better invoke strong feelings, or your relationship with a new prospect may never get off the ground. A good first impression is crucial. Start with an offer that is credible -- one that rates high on the legitimacy scale -- and it will create a level of trust that tells prospects you're a suitor worthy of their interest.
The biggest moment in a marketing campaign is usually just that – a moment. Despite your long hours spent developing a strategy, your prospects will size up your offer and pass judgment in a matter of minutes, if that.
Just like personal relationships, a good first impression is essential. You need prospects to immediately have a favorable opinion of your company, or the sales process may never get off the ground.
Establishing credibility is the top priority. You’re not likely to buy anything from a person or company you don’t trust. Your customers are the same way. They’re listening to you because they believe your product or service can help them solve their problems.
You need to give them reasons to believe.
Avoid slick salesmanship. It’s a turnoff with detrimental results. Nobody likes to be sold to – especially when meeting for the first time. Your prospects’ natural defense system will go on alert if you greet them with hype and hyperbole.
Instead, show your prospect a level of respect. Educate them on the tremendous value you can provide them, and treat them as an equal. Tell the truth and deal in facts. Give an honest assessment of how you can benefit them in the marketplace. When you build a foundation of trust, your prospects will gain confidence in you from the start.
First impressions are hard to erase – and you may never get another chance if a prospect turns away. So make sure ALL of your marketing materials reflect your credibility. Be consistent and professional across the board. When you project an image of integrity, you greatly enhance your standing among those who will be judging you – your prospects.
Envision yourself in their shoes. Would you believe in somebody who lacks credibility? Would you continue in a relationship with someone you do not trust? Not likely.
Customers can sense a phony from miles away. Conversely, they find genuine sincerity highly appealing. An honest representation of your company will always trump brash bravado.
So keep it real. Be yourself and increase your chances of enjoying a long business relationship with each new prospect you meet. When your company represents believability, your sales funnel looks all the more welcoming.
White Papers vs. Case Studies: What Works Better?
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Quality trumps quantity when it comes to generating leads and moving prospects through the sales funnel. Rather than cast a wide net in search of a big catch, targeted marketing is much more productive. Here’s why ...