Here are some of the most ... ways to promote your online business without spending a fortune and gaining great ... get the best out of these methods, you need to:· Target your market – m
Here are some of the most effective ways to promote your online
business without spending a fortune and gaining great results.
To get the best out of these methods, you need to:
· Target your market – make sure you are "on target". Don't try
to market to everyone.
· Promote consistently – start a daily, weekly and monthly
regimen or promotion.
· Track your progress. Test out different ads. Keep a record
of your marketing plans and which method is the most effective.
1. An Effective Web Site – I put this first, because even if you
get thousands of visitors to your site, if it is not easy to
navigate, doesn't look attractive and is not clear in its purpose,
you will not have any sales or repeat visitors. Here is what you need:
a. A heading that immediately catches the visitors attention
b. A description or sales letter that states (in easy to
understand words), what your site is about.
c. Easy navigation – your visitors must be able to tour your
site with ease
d. Ask for your order or what action you want the visitor to
e. Contact information – make it easy for people to contact you.
2. Search engines – If you wish to get listed, here are some
very important things to do first:
a. Have a title that states clearly the benefits of your site
containing some of your keywords.
b. Meta Tag "description" should describe exactly what your site
is about, using your main keywords.
c. Meta tag "keywords" all the keywords that someone may search
on to find your site.
d. First paragraph – should also contain a description leading
into your site using more of your keywords in your sentences. Make
sure you do not repeat the same keywords in all of your descriptions
more than 5 times.
e. Submit to the main search engines by hand (don't use
automated software because all search engines have different
3. Opt in Newsletter – capture names and email addresses on your
web site for your newsletter to send out updates, tips, contests etc
to your customers. Always offer something for free in return for
their email address.
4. Writing articles – Write articles in your area of expertise,
submit them to article announcement lists, ezine publishers in your
niche market. Put the article on your web site, make your meta tags
keyword rich with your article and submit to the search engines.
5. Classified Ads in AOL and Yahoo
a. These are the best email classifieds on the Net. Create a
catchy title for your ad. You can submit up to 10 ads. Create each
ad with a different heading or submit to a different category listing.
b. Use a follow up auto responder to create automatic follow up
messages to your responses – one follow up is hardly ever enough for
the Internet Marketer who is easily distracted or very busy with
other things.
c. Change your ad title every 24 hours, so that the ad stays at
the top of the list.
d. Track all your ads, to see how many hits they each get, then
change the ad until you get a winner – then you can move onto paid
6. Free Ezine Ads – here's another way to test market your ads.
Submit to ezines that accept free ads in return for signing up for
their ezine. Here's an example:
a. Subscribe to 21 ezines of your niche market – try to go for
ones that publish weekly or biweekly.
b. Track each ad you submit – some will take a while to publish
your ad since they already may have back log of ads to be submitted.
c. Once you have found those ezines that gave a good response,
then you can use them again in the future.
d. Your next step will be to advertise in low cost ezines.
7. Participating in Forum Discussions –
a. Find a forum where your target market visits.
b. Offer friendly advice (don't advertise), ask questions,
provide helpful information, most of all have the attitude of helping
others, not taking – this will give you better results and you make
friends as well.
c. Leave an email signature at the end of each message, giving
your name, title of your business, web site address, email address.
Visitors to the forum will know where to look, if they wish to find
out more about you.
If you implement these methods on a consistent basis, you will
definitely see an increase in traffic to your web site.
How to Master Google AdWords
Then most difficult aspect of marketing a new product orweb site is to find enough people that are interested in itso that they are ready to buy. Mastering Google AdWordswill enable you to drive traffic to your web site and startmaking sales immediately. You can create a Google AdWordcampaign in a matter of minutes and be making sales within24 hours.Increase Web Site Sales with a SEO Proposal - Part 2
Part I of this article ... some of the points that should be included in a search engine ... ... Visit the ... section at the bottom of the page if you wish to get a copy ofIncrease Web Site Sales with a SEO Proposal - Part 1
You can easily get confused by all the search engine ... ... and SEO experts that offer SEO ... It's hard to know who to trust or what should be included in a SEO ... I will