Most online businesses send out mailshots several times yearly. No matter if it is on a large-scale mail or small batches of individual letters to a f...
Most online businesses send out mailshots several times yearly. No matter if it is on a large-scale mail or small batches of individual letters to a few dozen potential customers,
if the targeting is done right, positive response is always guaranteed. But, if you get them wrong, then they will end up in junk mail, and your money is definitely wasted.
Sending out a mailshot is not difficult, provided you follow up some easy to understand basic guidelines. We have summarized them in four essential steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Plan your approach wisely
You should know your objectives which you want to achieve through your mailshot. They can be to sell a product, or to generate sales leads, or you may want to launch a new product, or test some marketing ideas. You may even want to enhance some of your services to existing customers by providing them with up-to-date information.
Step 2: Identify your readers correctly
You must identify your target, so that you know which sort of approach will work best. When evaluating your target readers, you should know some information about them, in order to evaluate them before targeting. Like, what kind of prior knowledge they already have about your product? Why do they need your offering in the first place? What else they would like to know about your product? Do they have any likely objections?
Step 3: Choosing the right template
When sending out mailshots via email, you should always be concerned about the template you are going to use for it. Though email is instant, efficient and almost free, however you should know that at the recipient end there might be some restrictions, like no HTML support, image can’t be shown, no embed option, etc.
Step 4: The Writing
The first step in writing is to write a brief. This part consists of the famous five W’s. What, When, Where, Who, and Why? Next, plan your copy, and make it convincing. You can include any famous tactics like the one which encourage the customer in making immediate buying decisions. Another approach is to end up the letter in interrogation, forcing the customer to get curious and reply. Finally, make sure you have included a follow up reply address or a link to the opt-in page on your site.