Improve Your Presentation
The sales presentation can be the backbone of a strong marketing push, and can do wonders to help push sales, but a presentation isn’t always the easi...
The sales presentation can be the backbone of a strong marketing push,
and can do wonders to help push sales, but a presentation isn’t always the easiest thing to do successfully. You have to really engage people and send out a strong message people want to listen to.I’ll go over some marketing tips to make your sales presentations as good as they can be.First, you need to make sure that there is a strong connection between the product being sold and the people you’re giving your presentation to. This sounds obvious, but what many companies do is try to draw in a broad audience to appeal to the largest pool of people possible.What you’ll end up doing is failing to intrigue the people who wouldn’t have had interest in your product to begin with, and fail to sell to the people you could’ve invited had you been a little more focused in your audience.Next, make sure that whatever the primary focus of your is, is relevant to something going on today. You can’t talk about how bad the economy is during an economic boom and vice versa. If you stand up in front of people discussing an issue that’s no longer as important to them they won’t be as inclined to listen.The economy is a much larger issue and unlikely to be gotten wrong, but each industry is filled with smaller concerns that can go away and come back rather fast, which means you need to be up to date on whatever is happening.Another great marketing tip for your presentation is to make it interesting. Sure, that’s the hope, but sometimes you’re going to have to work for it. Be energetic and animated with your gestures, with your imagery. Give people something they want to look at.Some topics are going to be more interesting than others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to figure out a way to make your presentation as unique as possible.You need to also be sure that you get to the heart of your presentation as fast as possible. Build up isn’t likely to work as well as telling them exactly why they’re there and what you can do for them. Once they understand the real issue being discussed they’ll be more willing to listen intently to what you have to say. This is especially true if you’re talking about something that will be important to them and their industry. If they know that listening to you will help save them time and money, they’ll be inclined to take the time to understand what you’re saying.Giving a presentation isn’t the easiest thing to do, and being up there in front of all those people can often discourage people, but if you’ve done the right amount of preparation you shouldn’t have anything to fear.