Learn why network marketing is a superior home based business opportunity. Discover the benefits of MLM income.
Financial experts like Robert Kiyosaki and Paul Zane Pilzer agree that MLM offers some of the best home based business opportunities in todays market. Why is this? What makes network marketing a great choice when making the decision to begin a home based business? Let's look at some of the benefits.
1. Residual income is a wonderful thing.
Residual income is a powerful vehicle to wealth. Not only is it useful for accumulating wealth,

it is also helpful in making the best use of your valuable. Each of us exchanges time for money. It's a fairly simple concept. With residual income you can quickly increase the amount of money for which you are exchanging your time. You also have the advantage of being able to make money while you are engaged in other things in life. Perhaps you dream of philanthropy or travel. Your ideal might be to volunteer time at a soup kitchen or to coach a little league team. Maybe you'd like to write the next great American novel.. MLM can be the vehicle to bring each of your dreams to fruition.
One caveat; pick your business intelligently since the money will only come in as long as the company remains in business.
2. The tax benefits are the same as any home based business.
You will profit from the same tax benefits from which all home based businesses benefit. If you are unaware of the details, you owe it to yourself to find out what you are missing.
You will want to maximize these benefits by dedicating as much office space as you possibly can. A formula, taking the square footage of your office space in relation to your home will decide what percentage of your utilities and mortgage that you'll be able to write off.
It is important that you keep detailed records and that you find a CPA who is an expert in the laws connected with home based businesses. You may be tempted to take your taxed to the nearest, most convenient, kiosk at your local WalMart. Don't do it. You won't do as well there as you would with an experienced CPA. Your savings could be in the thousands.
3. Greater flexibility.
Already mentioned is the time freedom that can come from the residual income from MLM. You will find greater time freedom in network marketing vs. other home based businesses. The reason is simple; you'll earn a percentage of what each person in your network sells. Think of it as an engine with greater horsepower.
4. Unlimited income potential.
With other home based businesses you are somewhat limited in your income. You are limited by one of two things; either the amount of time that it takes for you to provide the service or the amount of product that you are able to produce. You could be limited by geography or by shipping rates that prevent you from being competitively priced.
With MLM you don't have to worry about those things. The great thing is that while you, personally, may be limited; your network will continue to thrive as you earn a bit off of each business partner and a bit off of their business partners and so on and so forth.
MLM has gained repute in the last decade as more and more financial experts agree that joining a network marketing company is, indeed, a smart thing to do. The benefits include, but are not limited to, unlimited and residual income, smart tax advantages, and time freedom unlike anything you can find in today's job market. If these are benefits that appeal to you, you can become the next American to enjoy the benefits of MLM income.