These past couple of years have been quitethe eye opener for many in the work force.I happen to live in the United States butI think people ... can ... ever so generous economy suddenly g
These past couple of years have been quite
the eye opener for many in the work force.
I happen to live in the United States but
I think people everywhere can relate.
An ever so generous economy suddenly got
out of bed on the wrong side one morning.
The consequences played no favorites. Most
sectors took tremendous hits. Suddenly,
job situations that looked very stable,
The leader of this collapse, an Internet
craze of mass proportion. Why, because
a lot of people see the unbelievable
potential that exists in something
that has barely been born.
The question is not whether that great
potential will be reached, but only how
far does it go.
The Internet is still in an infant stage.
There are going to be a lot of success
stories come from those who choose to
venture in that direction.
Can you be one of these success stories?
I personally think it is the greatest
opportunity I have seen in my lifetime.
I don't like the 9 to 5 routine. Does
that mean I don't like to work? My wife
would get quite a kick out of that. She
claims I am the real reason the word
workaholic came to be.
It's not exactly the award you hang up
on your office wall but you get the
I think we all have the capabilities to
be an Internet success story
Are you willing to give what it takes to
become successful?
The people who are telling you, they only
work 10 hours a week and bring in six
figures a year, did not start their
business in the last few months.
Starting a business on the Internet takes
work and if you plan on building an income
very quickly, a whole lot of work. But if
you work at it, you can build a business,
just as you can in any sector of the
It takes time, and especially when you
first start out, you must be willing to
give it.
Does everyone have what it takes to be a
success on the Internet?
I think that the capabilities lie inside
each of us to be successful in whatever
we may choose.
You may have to work on certain aspects
of life that you are not as proficient
at, but look at the benefits.
* You work the hours you choose.
* You have the whole world as potential
customers and business partners.
* You don't have to dress up for work.
* Bad hair days don't mean a thing.
* You are the boss. ( Well at least you
are at work ) :o)
* Whatever you build, you build for
yourself and your family.
* You make the rest of the list. ( It's
endless )
Is Internet success only a dream? Not
if you make it reality.
Think Beyond Today and Start Branding Your Future
One of the subjects that has been thrown around a lot lately is ... I guess it is ... I have done for years without ... it.Yet once I really started thinking about it, ...How Much Traffic Is Enough
How much traffic is enough? I was ... with ... for an ad when Ijotted this down. My mind appears to bestuck. Ever since I thought of those ... I can't seem to stop.Is 1000 extraThree Ways to Improve Your Business
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