When marketing a book, it is crucial to know who your audience is or who you are writing for. It is therefore important that you adjust your writing style, from what you are used to, to adapt to your audience specifics. In finding success in marketing a book, make sure you have a great sales pitch to increase book sales and reach a wider audience.
When writing Self-Help Books, Don't Expect Your Audience to Read you without knowing you!
Before you place one single finger on the keys you MUST know your audience. Who are you writing for and how do they listen? When you are marketing a book, (for now we’ll focus on self-help books), it's important that you have geared your words directly for the audience receiving you. That's if you want open arms to fall into.
I know I've mentioned in other articles about sticking with your writing style. That still holds true but you also need to have an open mind and some bend-ability to adapt somewhat depending on the audience specifics. For instance you may be writing in general about the harmful cancers found in Grade A beef on the grocery shelf. When you are writing for a general information audience you want to tone down a little on the technical and make sure your writing is colorful and alive. Make sure you've got a great sales pitch and are able to entertain as well as educate while your fingers are massaging the keys. If on the other hand you've landed a technical gig where you have an audience in front of you that's only interested in the statistical data of cancers in meat, then you've got to take some of the creativity out of your writing style and flatten your voice a bit before delivering.
Here are a few pointers to help you along creating success with your self-help books.
By reading about your intended audience you will learn and grow. The more you know the better you will be able to bridge the gap between your knowledge and their need to learn.
You may not know who your audience is off the hop and that's perfectly kosher. Experiment a little and measure what sort of response you get from different audiences. Often you will find your devoted audiences in the weirdest places. When you are marketing a book look behind your pre-set boarders.
Reach out and touch your audience directly. Ask them what they specifically would like you to write about. Everyone love and wants to be involved. By initializing this attachment you've already got a base eager for your words before you've even begin writing your first of many amazing self-help books.
When you get comfortable as a writer it's time to get uncomfortable. Lift your walls and see what else is out there. Many times writers feel trapped in writing for a specific audience only to discover that there are zillions of other people that want to read, learn, and grow from what you have to say.
Finding success in marketing a book means you've got to want it, and if you want it then you will find a way to know your audience. As a result, you will have a solid platform in place of devoted followers that are pre-ordering your massive collection of incredible self-help books. Open your mind to the possibility, get real, set your goals, and never look back! Promise you WILL get there.
Creative Writing: Finding Your Inspiration
Every writer needs to find inspiration in order to produce inspired writing - whether it is in the form of a novel, short story, poetry, song or even a simple blog post or journal entry. You don’t have to live an extraordinary life to find sources of inspiration for creative writing. They are all around you. Below are some of the most common sources of inspiration that can be used to produce a masterpiece.Co-Author: Writing a Book in Collaboration
These days, authors often collaborate with each other to produce the best work possible. By collaborating with another author of the same mind, the two of you may be able to produce a successful masterpiece that is esteemed by millions. The goal of producing a top-selling book may feel more reachable if you have the support of a co-author. Consider the following tips and you’re well on your way to the bestselling list!A Discussion of the Self-Publishing Model
With the rise of self-publishing, a new niche of independent or indie authors has emerged. There are pros and cons to everything, and self-publishing is not exempt from this unwritten concept. Without the assistance of service companies, one might wonder if self-publishing has a broad scope. It’s up to you to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons. Once you decide which path to take, go for it and give it all you’ve got!