Marketing Secrets and Shortcuts to Sell yourself your Product or Service for little or no money.
You can have a great Product or Service however if you keep it a secret, there won’t be any Sales. Of course the missing part of the puzzle is always Marketing. Many people in Business feel that Marketing is an expense that can’t afford. Nothing could be further from the truth and in this series of Articles I’ll cover many ways to market your Product and/or Service for little or no money.
[1] Mission Statement, Core Message, Purpose, Elevator Speech:
Make sure you have a Mission Statement which should be 1 to 3 sentences and clearly states what you do best to bring value and benefits to your Customers. Then make sure that you and your Employees know it as well as their own Name. Then, broadcast it on every piece of your Promotional and Advertising material.
[2] Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
This is different than your Mission Statement because you determine what sets you apart from your Competition. It could be your Guarantee, your reputation for giving back to your Industry or Community, how long you've held your Pricing while still adding Value, your free Shipping or your Lifetime Replacement or Warranty, etc. Again, broadcast it to the World on every price of Printed material and Electronic communication.
[3] Provide an Exceptional Experience:
One of Disney's great philosophies was to do what you do so well that everyone that experiences it will want to come back and they will bring a friend. If your Sales and Customer Service to your Prospects and Customers have that same Goal, your Reputation will dominate your Industry.
[4] Contact List:
Always be looking for ways to add Prospects and Customers to your Contact or Mailing List. You should offer them Something of Value to get them to Subscribe such as a Free Report, Free E-Book and/or a series of weekly or monthly Tips, etc.
[5] Communicate with your Prospects and Clients:
At least once a month, be in contact with your Clients and Prospects however DO NOT constantly bombard them with Purchase offers. Instead, include items which will Benefit or at least Interest them such as Success Stories or Tips they can use to build their Business. This might be a Phone Call, Email, Fax, a Flyer or Postcard or Letter you mail or even a personal Visit. Many Companies believe consistent Communications provide the best ROI (return on investment) possible.
[6] Thank people Leaving you:
When I get someone who wants to opt out of our Mailing List, I send them a Confirmation eMail that is entitled "Here are your Good Bye Gifts" and includes several Links to some valuable Free Interviews, Articles and Ebooks. After receiving a Remove Request and sending out our "Good Bye" Email, here is what I recently received back from a Subscriber;
"Thanks! Brilliant Marketing! I have canceled probably 40 Lists that I am on due to traveling. You are the ONLY one to do something like this. I will re-sign for your Newsletter when I return to the U.S."
Mega Marketing for Mega Money Part 8
Marketing Secrets and Shortcuts to Sell yourself your Product or Service for little or no money.Mega Marketing for Mega Money Part 6
Marketing Secrets and Shortcuts to Sell yourself your Product or Service for little or no money.Mega Marketing for Mega Money Part 7
Marketing Secrets and Shortcuts to Sell yourself your Product or Service for little or no money.