MMRMarketing Series #1: Network Marketing, Where to start….?

Nov 6


Jason Perez O'Connor

Jason Perez O'Connor

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The #1 Edition in a complete series that walks you through exploding your own business through proper online marketing techniques and choosing a Network Marketing system that will allow you to profit from those who say no to your primary business offer plus several other marketing techniques, features and guides!

“You only win when you help others win.” — Paul Zane Pilzer,MMRMarketing Series #1: Network Marketing, Where to start….? Articles Nobel Prize Winning Economist

Good question! If someone had answered that for me right from the start it could have saved me a lot of these problems:

- Time Wasting
- Pain
- Depression
- Uncertainty
- Financial Struggle
- Research of Inaccurate Information

All this trouble stemmed from one thing and one thing only... TRYING TO GET RICH QUICK!

You see rather than spending time researching my Options, networking with experienced Network Marketers, learning Online Marketing and choosing a business of interest...

I went looking for the first business I could find, little did I know that the key to success was:

(In no particular order)

- A Responsive and Experienced UPLINE
- Proper taught methods of Online Marketing
- A good Business Model
- The Right Mentality
- How to profit from prospects even when they turn down your main Business Offer
- How to make leads chase YOU up, instead of the other way around

I got none of this… My UPLINE up and quit and the business I was working for told me to try harder, along with recommendation of products which never really helped and they never outlined any real valuable Marketing Strategies.

So without any help, guidance or support, I came up with the idea that the only way to market would be to:

- Buy hosting space
- Buy a Domain Name
- Write Small Reviews followed with my referral Links

That never really made me more than $200 a month and at my highest I hit a record breaking $219, what an EARNING! ... yeah right, that barely paid for my bills.

So I rethought my options, and took the initiative to network with other Entrepreneurs. At my surprise, time and time again, from one Entrepreneur to the other, I was being told the same. Each and every one of them had struggled as I did, at which point most tried helping... But only a few really knew what to do.

Did I hit a soft spot? Is this the exact reason you're reading my article, so that you can benefit from Network Marketers such as myself and avoid those bad experiences. If so, Good, lets get you on the right track from the start! Keep reading...

Welcome to my #1 Edition of MMRMarketing. My name is Jason Perez O’Connor and my objective starting TODAY! Is to help You! Regardless of your background experience, whether you're new to Network Marketing, a complete Network Marketing guru or someone who just wants to pickup more tools and training. I Cater to all types. Actually I'd be lying if I said that. If your not willing to try hard and put some work into building yourself and your business then this isn't the job for you. This is a legitimate Marketing System and training course that has a high earning potential!

Through out my future Editions I will outline the steps needed to becoming a successful Network Marketer and a consistent 5-figure Monthly Earner e.g. Training Courses on using Facebook not only as a social website but as a form of marketing your Business and Services (There are currently several Industry Leaders making killer money through Facebook alone).

Such Articles WILL include:

Where to Start
Choosing an EFFECTIVE System
Finding a Responsive and Supportive UPLINE
Selecting a Business Model FIT FOR YOU!
How to Market EFFICIENTLY!
Useful Marketing TOOLS

And so much more...

If you want to skip past all the Editions, Use the system I use to generate 5-figure incomes per month and get 1-to-1 help over the phone, skype or E-mail...

Then sign-up to my Free training course and read through some of my strategies and tips outlined.

If at the end of your Free training you find this to be what you are looking for, were offering a – 2 week $1 dollar try out of our system, the same system that cost over half a Million to build and you can test it for $1... if that’s not generous I don’t know what is.

Tell you what... Not only does the trial cost $1 but you also get full access to training documents and videos which you can then take with you and use to Market your own business!

So essentially you are getting all Marketing courses for a measly $1, and then being allowed to cancel your 14-day Trial. But wait... I've not finished listing the benefits yet, you then get access to important Webinars held by some of the top Industry Earners every Wednesday where they outline more tips and strategies to get your business blooming!

Now obviously these aren't the only benefits of signing up, these are just the risk free benefits! for more information regarding the System click the link in the Biography section to find out more.

The system I use to make a 5-figure monthly Income:

I do however hope that you subscribe to my MMRMarketing Series as it will benefit you greatly.

For now I hoped you really enjoyed my 1# Edition of many to come and hope that together we can get YOU! To financial freedom.

* Note

This first article was merely made as an Introductary page to my guide, outlining the struggles I had and how I went about fixing these struggles. Another reason for creating this first page was to properly target the right minded people who are serious in succeeding.

Stay tuned...