Niche Marketing - The Broader the Better
Niche marketing is a great way to gain a competitive edge by narrowing your focus however these smalls markets can also create difficulties for you! Read further to see 3 'dark secrets' small markets hold in terms of increasing your marketing difficulties!
Niche marketing is a great way to gain a competitive edge by narrowing your focus however these smalls markets can also create difficulties for you! Although being able to promote your business without heavy competition is definitely a huge advantage micro niches do present some unique challenges as well!
Let's have a look at 3 ways in which promoting in small markets can also be somewhat restrictive and even difficult!
Content Development
Small markets not only offer little in terms of competition but also do not have an overabundance of relevant content to use for promotional purposes. The use of content,
especially on the internet, is a highly regarded and effective way to promote your business and is done so using articles, newsletters and even free viral reports! Additionally good quality content is needed for building websites and blogs therefore being faced with a shortage can restrict developing this aspect of your business! Now you're beginning to realize one reason why the competition is not as intense, there may not be much to work with!
Product Selection
For affiliates in particular, working in remote micro niches pose the challenge of finding relevant products to offer. Quite simply product developers are driven by the size of the demand and this is a major consideration for anyone trying to build an affiliate income in smalls markets! On the other hand creative developers can do well provided they are willing to invest the time needed for researching both demand and possibilities! By and large the biggest restrictions will be on affiliates since product selection will be lacking!
Relationship Building
Although tiny and very specific niches allow easier access to the people you promote to, the length of your 'stay' prohibits long term relationship building! The fact is that although small markets do make it easier for you to promote your business, in most cases you won't be working these tiny segments for very long! What this does is limit the 'effectiveness' of any relationship building or branding efforts you may invest simply because these strategies work best over the long haul!
Although generally overlooked and disregarded, niche marketing, like so many other things does have its 'dark side' as well! True as it may be that these small markets do allow you to promote your business without heavy competition certain niche 'characteristics' can also serve you up some challenges. For many of the same reasons that smaller niches can help you more easily gain a competitive edge certain aspects also present marketers complications. As discussed above these 'issues' can be worked around however it is wise to be mindful of them and realize the competitive edge you do gain does not come without costs!