So many people prefer actions to planning. They want to get to the point, to get their hands into the thick of it and they don’t want to sit aro...
So many people prefer actions to planning. They want to get to the point,

to get their hands into the thick of it and they don’t want to sit around researching everything and planning out what they need to do first.
If you want to have any success with your marketing, you’re going to need to accept that in order to get the most from it you’ll need to plan everything out ahead of time.
When everything is added up, marketing can be very expensive. You have all of the research, the design work, the color printing, and the distribution just to name a few things. Of course, good marketing pays for itself and earns you back everything you spent and then some, but that’s only if the marketing is good.
Poor planning and a rush to action will often lead to doing nothing more than throwing your money down the toilet, because you won’t get nearly as many sales as you were expecting, and end up just spending a lot of money.
The smaller a company is the less room they have to work with in regards to their marketing budget. A large corporation is always going to have a certain amount of cash to spend, and I’ve seen plenty of ad campaigns from these places that failed to generate very many sales. They can get by because they’re running so many ad campaigns at the same time in so many different markets they don’t need every single one of them to be a great success.
The small business owner is only going to be able to afford to run one or two types of advertisements at a time, and they’ll need success from their marketing push in order to keep themselves going.
That’s why planning everything out is so important. Each marketing campaign will have different specific things to worry about, but there are some recurring themes among most of them.
The first is researching everything you can. Research who your audience is, what visuals will best appeal to them, what kind of word choice works. You need to research your printing companies to make sure you get the best color printing possible. You need to know what type of advertising will appeal best to them.
How can you plan anything if you don’t have the information needed to help you plan things out? Information is the backbone of any kind of marketing push no matter what it is.
I know researching isn’t the fastest thing in the world, or the most exciting, but it needs to be done. If you don’t have an unlimited budget you can’t afford a marketing push that doesn’t generate the kinds of sales you need to survive.
Before your next marketing push, make sure you know exactly what you’re doing, and exactly who you’re trying to target.