Recycled Carts! Woman Owned ... valued at $15,000 and up. Now only $3,800! The Carriage Works has found a new "Niche" in the ... and ... of used Vending Carts, RMU's and
Recycled Carts! Woman Owned Business
Originally valued at $15,000 and up. Now only $3,800!
The Carriage Works has found a new "Niche" in the refurbishment and reselling of used Vending Carts, RMU's and Kiosks.
When the owner of the Carriage Works,Inc., Barbara Evensizer, first received a call from a mall asking if she would buy their used carts, she was not interested. "At first I said no, but then I thought about it and ended up buying the 10 RMU's. We refurbished them and advertised them to some of our past customers."
"In one week we had all of the carts sold to Malls around the USA. Other malls heard about the deal and this type of business continued to flow in.
The used carts have been even more popular overseas in Japan, Korea, and China. "It was a "win-win-win" situation with the original mall getting some of its investment back, the Carriage Works making a fair profit, and the second mall receiving an incredible deal on quality used equipment.
Everybody is happy and we save a few trees in the process."
The Carriage Works has taken strides to help the environment in other ways as well. "We used to crate everything before shipping until we noticed the waste and cost involved. As a solution we cut a deal with a furniture moving van to pick up once a week at our shop for delivery around the USA.
They use reusable blanket-wrapping which has cut down on damage to the product while at the same time saving the customer money.
Barbara says she does not mind her new nickname, "the used cart lady" in the least, as it seems to be a valuable market segment and a benefit to all.
Carriage Works,Inc 1877 Mallard Lane Klamath Falls,Or 97601 541-882-0700