Are you looking for some simple, easy-to-implement, and effective viral marketing tips? If you are, make sure you read this article fully. The tips given below can help you popularize your website, get a lot of targeted web site traffic, and increase online sales without spending a lot of money.
Are you looking for some simple, easy-to-implement, and effective viral marketing tips? If you are, make sure you read this article fully. The tips given below can help you popularize your website, get a lot of targeted web site traffic, and increase online sales without spending a lot of money.
1. Write original, informative articles and submit them to various high ranking, high traffic article submission directories. Such directories usually have an author section where you can write a small description of your website and the products and services you offer. You can also add a link to your website in this section. If people find your articles interesting, they will visit your site for more information. This is a time-tested viral marketing strategy that can help you get a lot of traffic.
2. Write original, informative, and interesting articles and encourage people to use them on their websites, blogs, forums, or newsletters free of cost as long as they include a link to your site. If your articles get published on a popular blog or website, you could get a lot of traffic. This is one of the simplest viral marketing tips you can follow to popularize your site.
3. Give people something for nothing. You can give away a free downloadable ebook, audio and video files, software, templates, avatars, buttons, and anything else that you think your visitors might find interesting. Remember – free stuff always attracts lots of eyeballs.
4. You can have a posting contest, ‘refer a friend’ contest, or a commenting contest wherein you offer cash prize or a free product or service to the person with the most number of posts or comments or the one who refers the most number of people to your site. This is a viral marketing strategy that not only gets you a lot new visitors, but also keeps your blog or website an exciting, happening place.
5. Forums are an excellent place to popularize your website. You can join some of the most popular, high traffic, high ranking forums related to your business and start posting regularly. These forums usually allow their members to have one or more links on their signature line. So, every time you post something, you get a link to your website. You can also offer your products or services at a discount to the members and make your presence felt at the forum. This is one of the viral marketing tips that a lot of successful webmasters find useful.
6. Build a mailing list and start sending informative emails/newsletters to your subscribers. You can encourage people to subscribe to your mailing list by offering them a free downloadable ebook, free training course, or something equally valuable. If people find your emails useful and interesting, they will trust you a lot, forward your emails to their friends, and will be interested in doing business with you. This is a tried and tested viral marketing strategy that can help you get tons of highly targeted web site traffic.