Good News! You can now submit your website to Yahoo! And it's FREE. Sure you have to fill out their lengthy form but it should be worth the effort. Just make yourself some time and log into Yahoo!, f
Good News!
You can now submit your website to Yahoo! And it's FREE.
Sure you have to fill out their lengthy form but it should be worth the effort. Just make yourself some time and log into Yahoo!, fill out the form and wait for "Slurp" - that's the name of Yahoo!'s spider - to index your site.
Yahoo! is in the process of gathering as much content as possible so that should be good news for any sites that have lots of relevant content.
Only submit your home page. "Slurp" will find your other pages. And don't submit it more than once. If your site hasn't been spidered after three weeks then submit again.
Keep track of your submissions to Yahoo! so that you track how long it takes the spider to pay your site a visit.
Here is where you go to submit your site - - remember just submit your home page and submit only once.
You should start to really get some traffic to your sites once you are listed in Yahoo! and Google. Plus it means that you don't have all of your eggs in one basket.