Can the hobby of collecting coins be a benefit? Is it possible to actually get the coins you want to collect for free? This is an incredible opportunity that couldn't have come at a better time.
There is always someone out there that has an OPINION. Information written about a subject should be informative,

full of facts and opinions should be addressed as such. I'm referring to an article written about The Numis Network that was well written but full of negativity. It's okay to write about the bad things a company has to offer, but a review should be biased. Here is my opinion based on facts.
For those of you that don't know what The Numis Network is, I will briefly explain the company. This is a fairly new Network Marketing company that is less than a year old. Their main product is Numismatic Coins. A Numismatic coin is a collectible coin made of precious metals such as gold or silver. There are no other coins like them in the world. They are minted every year depending on supply and demand. Based on supply and demand, the value of a specific coin can increase by a lot or a little depending on how much has been minted that year. With that said, using a little common sense, it would be safe to say that the more a specific coin is produced, the slower the increase in value would be and the reverse is also possible. Because it's a collectable coin, it will increase in value regardless of the monetary value it stands for.
The idea of becoming a multi level marketing company gives the company an advantage over all MLM companies in existence. Why, because it is the first of it's kind. This is the only company selling an asset, not a consumable. Let's face it, what company out there can sell you money?
All companies have their Pro's and Con's. Based on thorough research, and you should do some due diligence, you will find flaws in everything you look at. Given the intensity of the research will determine many factors. For instance, you may look into a startup company that claims they have the cure for Cancer. How credible do you think that might be? For one thing, if the company is brand new, without doing any kind of research I'd stay clear of that one. Another reason is that it is a consumable product for sale. As the word implies it is consumable, perishable, wasteful, etc. Would you get involved in a company that makes promises and forces you to buy consumable or perishable products? I know I wouldn't.
The Numis Network sells a product also. Yeah the product is non-consumable, perishable, or wasteful. Guess what, it has a monetary value that increases in time. You are actually buying money. This type of money has been around since civilization adopted it as a form of value. That's how commerce began. It comes from the earth and can never go away. When economic pressures weigh on the world, the only thing that stands up to it is precious metals. Paper money is becoming more and more worthless and eventually will become obsolete. Back in 1971, the former President Nixon convinced the entire world to separate paper money from gold or silver. Without the backing of these precious metals the value of money is equivalent to toilet paper. We all know what to do with toilet paper...
Would you accept a coin or currency from another country in exchange for services or products you may be selling? Heck, pretty soon the U.S. dollar will be worth spit. What do you think happens to money the more it gets printed? Remember supply and demand? The more of it in circulation, the less it's worth. Look at recent events. The U.S. recently bailed out some of world’s biggest banks due to their greed. The housing market when to the crapper and the economy followed along. The government had to print all that money in order to bail them out in the tune of approximately 3 trillion dollars. Whoa, do you know what that means?
Let's talk a little about The Numis Network compensation plan. It works on a binary system. A binary system uses the power of two to create an empire of downline distributers. So basically, if you only sponsor two people your entire career in a perfect world it's possible to have thousands of distributers under you. What if you can't get anyone to enroll? Here is the part that made this a no brainer to me. As I said earlier, the product is precious metal, gold or silver. Every month that goes by you purchase, on autoship, a single Numismatic coin. I also said that this coin increases in value regardless of it's monetary value. You see, if you just join to become a collector, it's still worth the time and little effort to make it a lucrative business. Why not get involved in something that is an investment in a REAL asset and not something that has and expiration date.
Here is another opinion of mine. I think because it is such a new company that because of this economic turmoil we're in right now, it is a wise choice to step in while the timing is right. Grab your position and stay close to the top. At the time of this article there are only about 6300 distributors in this company and infinite levels of growth. Use your common sense. Don't even look at it as a MLM company. Step back and look at the investment potential and the future value it holds, because it's a real physical non-perishable item that holds it's own weight. You are making an investment in real money not paper money. The choice is yours.