The first paragraph of this article serves as a summary: This article is not about personal opinions or vague suggestions on what your website should be doing. It's about the essential function your website must perform to ensure your online success. Contrary to what many self-proclaimed experts might tell you, the primary purpose of your website should not be to make sales, but to collect email addresses. This strategy provides a safety net for potential sales that might otherwise be lost and opens up a stream of income that can last for years.
Many so-called experts might tell you that your website's main function should be to make sales. However, this is a misguided notion. The ultimate goal of your website should be to collect email addresses. Why is this so crucial? Consider a scenario where a potential customer visits your site but doesn't make a purchase. Without their email address, you've lost a potential sale.
Having a sales page or a page offering freebies is great, but what you really need is a mechanism to collect email addresses from visitors who decide not to take up your offer initially. This gives you a second chance to make a sale. A popup window that appears when a visitor leaves your site without making a purchase is an effective way to do this. This popup could offer a freebie, such as an ebook, a consultation, or a preview of a product. If you manage to collect an email address, you can follow up with the potential customer using an autoresponder, giving you multiple opportunities to close the sale.
Collecting email addresses can provide a steady stream of income for many years. Without an email collection system, once a customer makes a purchase, that's the end of your relationship with them. However, if you collect their email address, you can continue to send them offers for new products. Since you've already established credibility with the first sale, subsequent sales will be much easier to close. This is why email collection is so crucial to your online success.
This strategy is not limited to a specific type of business. Any business with an online presence can and should be collecting email addresses. Whether you're a freelance artist or a marketing consultant, maintaining a list of customers and interested prospects to email when you have new offerings is a smart move.
If you want to build trust with your email list, consider publishing a newsletter regularly. This could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and could include free tips and advice. This not only helps your audience get to know you better but also provides additional advertising opportunities without seeming overly salesy.
I hope this article has provided valuable insights into online business strategies and will contribute to your journey towards financial independence. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at my personal email address below.
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