The Rewards of RSS

Jan 27


Jason Pearson

Jason Pearson

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RSS feeds are great for the website visitor and for the business person. RSS is basically a technology where visitors volunteer to receive information from you and they can unsubscribe whenever they may choose. It can also be an opportunity to earn income and keep your website current.


Spam–it’s a word we all wish we could get rid of. Our e-mail boxes are full of spam that we didn’t ask for and that we don’t want. It’s usually from businesses trying to make a sale to those of us who aren’t even interested. It just wastes our time.


RSS,The Rewards of RSS Articles or Really Simple Syndication, is a different type of technology. It is e-mail that can not be sent to anyone who does not request it. You know they want your e-mails because they volunteered to give you their address. And for the recipient, there is no risk. With RSS, they can unsubscribe whenever they want for any reason. It is also simple to sign up or to unsubscribe.


On the business person’s side, RSS is a great opportunity to make some money. You just need to create a simple website. Then use a Google Adsense code or something similar on your web page that is related to your topic. Then you will receive money for each time a visitor clicks on the link. To get the maximum benefit, properly optimize the web page to get a high search engine ranking. Then you will get all kinds of traffic to your site and will be more likely to get the clicks that bring you money.


With a RSS feed on your web page, you not only get new traffic but also return traffic. Normally not many people come back to a website they have already checked out. But with RSS feeds on it, your content will automatically be revised and  kept current. This will return visitors over and over again.


It is simple to add the RSS feeds. And it is free. Just use an RSS creator software package to set it up and add the correct code to your page. According to your topic, you will then find RSS feeds that are relevant. Now your page will be kept current with new information about your topic. You do not need to just use one feed. It is possible to add several on a web page. This helps to bring in the traffic too. The visitors will know there is much current and relevant material available at your site. This also continues to raise your search engine rankings further up the list.


RSS is the way to go as more and more people get tired of all the spam in their e-mail boxes. Besides being desirable to the customer, it is also a great way to make money for the business person.