Teleseminars are the fastest, easiest, most economical way to increase your sales and profits without spending a single penny more on marketing or advertising costs. Best of all, you can conduct them from the comfort of your home, your office, a hotel room or virtually anywhere else in the world.
Teleseminars provide information, training, or promote or sell products to group of people interested in a particular topic. They’re similar to traditional seminars in content and purpose, but they’re given over a teleconference or bridge line rather than at a specific location. Audiences like Teleseminars because they don’t require the hassle or expense of traveling to a live seminar. And Teleseminars allow the trainer to train several hundred (paying) participants at once. It’s a very cost-effective delivery method – all you need is a bridge line and a telephone and you’re good to go!
If you’re an Entrepreneurial-CEO (E-CEO), public speaker, author or information marketer, then you owe it to yourself, your business and your lifestyle to take a closer look at the revenue-generating potential of Teleseminars, regardless if you’ve ever conducted a Teleseminar or even listened to one.
I know Teleseminars work because I have had more than 14,100 Teleseminar students from every inhabited continent on Earth. I even teach E-CEOs an 8-module tele-training on the subject called Teleseminar Secrets, which starts on the 2nd Monday of each December. I’ve trained entrepreneurs, independent professionals and small business owners how to use Teleseminars in combination with the Internet to boost and accelerate their business profits.
I tele-sell and tele-promote all the time. I lead with content, and I promote with passion. I get paid for having people listen and watch me work, and that’s where I want everyone else to be. When you work, I want you to get paid for people just enjoying the process of listening to you or experiencing it. When you get paid for that — just having them observe you work, you’ve arrived.
Teleseminars have changed my life. Their leveraging power has made it possible to turn my 2001 annual income into an hourly income sixteen times in 2006. And with dedication, creativity and marketing skill, you can too.
Teleseminars: How I Made $25K an Hour Working from Home with One Employee
If you could reach hundreds of customers in the same time it took you to reach just one, you’d jump at the opportunity, right? And if you could make more money in an hour than elite professional athletes or Fortune 500 CEOs, you’d want to know how, wouldn’t you? It’s possible. I’ve done it – and without cold calling or working 18-hour days, seven days a week. And you can do it too, by embracing Teleseminar training.Book Marketing – 3 Ways to Use Other People’s Content to Boost Your Profits
Repurposing your content is an ingenious way to make more money with less effort. So is repurposing other people’s content. I’m not talking about plagiarizing or stealing someone else’s ideas. I’m talking about using information that is already out there. Here are three examples of how to boost your profits by using or repurposing other people’s content.Embracing Online Marketing: 4 Ways to Reuse Content and Boost Your Book Sales
If you want to boost your book sales, it’s time to embrace the power of Internet marketing to spread the word about your book. You can create an empire starting with just one book. (Yes, just one book!) Here are 4 ways to repurpose content online and create your empire.